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British Columbia Coat of Arms

Canadian Government Sources
Canadian Provinces: British Columbia

British Columbia Flag
Last updated: April 28, 2011

Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
Crown Corporations | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

Executive Branch

  • Government of British Columbia
    1. Budget, BC
    2. Businesses
    3. Facts About BC
    4. Residents
    5. Visitors
  • Premier's Office

  • Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, Ministry of (ARR)
    [formerly: Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs (AAF)]
    1. A Guide to Aboriginal Organizations and Services in British Columbia
    2. First Nations by Region
    3. Reports and Publications
    4. Treaty Negotiations, BC
  • Advanced Education, Ministry of (AVED)
    (formerly: Ministry of Advanced Education, Training and Technology)
    1. Aboriginal Education
    2. Career Planning and Labour Market Information
    3. Public Post-Secondary Institutions
    4. Private Post-Secondary Education
    5. Reports and Publications
    6. StudentAid BC
    7. Tuition Fees
  • Agriculture, Ministry of
    [formerly: Ministry of Agriculture and Lands; before that:
    Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Fisheries (AFF).
    The former Ministry of Fisheries merged into AFF]
    1. A to Z Subject Index
    2. About the Industry
    3. Agriculture in the Classroom
    4. BC Farm Products, A - Z
    5. British Columbia Agriculture Plan
    6. Fisheries and Aquaculture
    7. Integrated Land Management Bureau (ILMB)
      (Transferred to: Ministry of Natural Resources.
      no longer a part of the Ministry of Agriculture;
      formerly Land Data BC)
    8. Reports and Publications
    9. State of Resources Report
    10. Statistics
  • Attorney General, Ministry of
    [Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Treaty Negotiations, Ministry of (AG)]
    1. Courts
    2. Major Boards and Commissions
      1. Administrative Justice Office (AJO)
      2. British Columbia Law Institute (BCLI)
      3. Expropriation Commission Board (ECB)
      4. Environmental Appeal Board
      5. Ferry Commission, BC
      6. Forest Appeals Commmission (FAC)
      7. Human Rights Tribunal, BC (BCHRT)
      8. Legal Services Society (LSS)
      9. Oil and Gas Appeal Tribunal
      10. Public Guardian and Trustee of Britisch Columbia
      11. Repersentative for Children and Youth (RCYBC)
        (formerly Child and Youth Officer for British Columbia)
      12. Review Board, BC (BCRB)
      13. Securities Commission, BC (BCSC)
      14. Utilities Commission, BC (BCUC)
    3. Programs A - Z
    4. Publications and Reports
  • Auditor General, BC
  • Children and Family Development, Ministry of (MCFD)
    (formerly Ministry of Children and Families)
    1. Aboriginal Child and Family Development
    2. Adoption
    3. Foster Care
    4. Regional Offices
    5. Youth Justice
  • Community, Sport, and Cultural Development
    [formerly: Ministry of Community Services;
    before: Ministry of Community, Aboriginal, and Women Services(MCAWS)]
    1. Arts and Culture
    2. Heritage Branch
      (formerly: BC Heritage. Now part of the Ministry of Tourism)
    3. Local Government Department
      1. A - Z Subject Index
      2. Elections
      3. Maps and Statistics
      4. Publications
    4. Sport
    5. Vancouver Agreement
  • Economic Development, Ministry of (ECDEV)
    [formerly: Ministry of Competition, Science, and Enterprise (CSE);
    previously to CSE, it was the Ministry of Employment and Investment
    functions of the ECDEV were transferred to: ]

  • Education, Ministry of (BCED)
    1. Aboriginal Education
    2. Curriculum
    3. K - 12 Statistics
    4. Parents' Programs and Services
    5. Provincial Exams
    6. Reports and Publications
    7. Scholarships
    8. School and District Information
    9. School Profiles
    10. Students'Programs and Services
    11. Teachers' Programs and Services
  • Employment and Income Assistance, Ministry of (EIA)
    (formerly Ministry of Human Resources)
    1. Information for Persons with Disabilities
      (transferred to the: Ministry of Social Development)
    2. Minister's Council on Employment for Persons with Disabilities
      (transferred to the: Ministry of Social Development)
    3. Reports and Publications
      (transferred to the: Ministry of Social Development)
    4. Subject Index
      (transferred to the: Ministry of Social Development)
    5. Your Job Search
      (transferred to the: Ministry of Social Development)
  • Energy and Mines, Ministry of
    [formerly: Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources;
    before: Ministry of Energy and Mines (EM)]
    1. Electricity and Alternative Energy
    2. Geological Survey, British Columbia
    3. Housing and Construction Standards, Office of
    4. Land Use Planning
    5. Map Place, The
    6. Mineral Exploration and Mining
    7. Mineral Statistics
    8. MINFILE Mineral Inventory
    9. Oil and Gas
      1. Land Use
    10. Reports and Publications
  • Environment, Ministry of (ENV)
    (formerly Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks. Then it split into
    Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection; and Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.
    Then Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management became the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands.
    Now, the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands is now the Ministry of Agriculture)
    1. Subject Index
    2. Air Quality, BC
    3. Climate Change
    4. Conservation Officer Service
    5. Environmental Stewardship Division
      (formerly: Environmental Protection Division)
    6. Oceans and Marine Fisheries Branch
    7. Our Environment
    8. Parks, BC
    9. Regional Offices
    10. Species and Ecosystems at Risk
    11. Water Stewardship Division
  • Ferry Services, British Columbia (BC Ferries)

  • Finance, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations)
    1. Searching Finance
    2. Budgets, BC
      1. Previous Years Budget (1995 - Present)
    3. Comptroller General, Office of the
    4. Corporate and Personal Registries
      (Moved to: BC Registry Services )
    5. Forest Revenue Branch
      (formerly located: Ministry of Small Business, Technology,
      and Economic Development)
    6. Income Taxation Branch
      (formerly located: Ministry of Small Business, Technology,
      and Economic Development)
      1. Personal Income Tax
        (formerly located: Ministry of Small Business, Technology,
        and Economic Development)
      2. Tax Forms
        (formerly located: Ministry of Small Business, Technology,
        and Economic Development)
    7. Mineral, Oil, and Gas Revenue
    8. Reports and Publications
    9. Revenue Programs
    10. Treasury, Provincial
    11. Unclaimed Property Office
  • Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (formerly Ministry of Forests and Range and Minister Responsible for Housing;
    (before, it was known as Ministry of Forests)
    1. Agencies, Ministry's
    2. Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA)
    3. Regions and Districts
    4. State of British Columbia Forests
    5. Timber Sales, BC (BCTS)
    6. Tree Book: Learning to Recognize Trees of British Columbia
    7. Wildfire Management Branch
      (formerly Forest Protection)
  • Health, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors)
    1. Aboriginal Healthy Living
    2. HealthLink, BC
    3. Health Insurance in BC
    4. Health System, BC's
    5. Healthy Women, Children and Youth Secretariat
    6. PharmaCare
    7. Programs and Services Index
    8. Provincial Health Officer, Office of the
    9. Reports and Publications
    10. Seniors BC
    11. Vital Statistics Agency
  • Jobs, Tourism, and Innovation, Ministry of
    1. Plan Your Vacation to BC
      1. Maps
      2. Regions and Cities
    2. Recreation Sites and Trails BC
    3. Tourism BC

  • Labour, Citizens' Services and Open Government, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Labour and Citizens' Services;
    before: Ministry of Labour)
    1. Bid, BC
    2. Employment Standards Branch
    3. Labour Relations Board
    4. Reports and Publications
    5. Shared Services BC
      1. Space Services
        (formerly Accommodation and Real Estate Services ;
        before: British Columbia Buildings Corporation)
    6. Stats, BC
    7. Statutory Holidays in British Columbia
  • Public Safety and Solicitor General
    1. Subjects A - Z
    2. Crime Statistics in BC
    3. Criminal Records Check
    4. Fire Commissioner, Office of the
    5. Motor Vehicles, Office of the Superintendent of
    6. Municipal Police Services in BC
    7. Provincial Emergency Program
  • Small Business, Technology, and Economic Development, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Small Business and Revenue; before: Ministry of
    Small Business, Tourism, and Culture.
    Split into Ministry of Small Business and Revenue; and
    Ministry of Tourism, Sport, and the Arts; Functions of the Ministry of Small Business, Technology and Economic Developemnt were transferred to: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Jobs, Tourism, and Innovation)

  • Tourism, Sport, and the Arts, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Small Business, Tourism, and Culture.
    Split into Ministry of Small Business and Revenue; and
    Ministry of Tourism, Sport, and the Arts; Ministry of Tourism,
    Sport, and the Arts is now: Ministry of Jobs, Tourism,
    and Innovation)

  • Social Development, Ministry of

  • Transportation and Infrastructure, Ministry of
    (formerly Ministry of Transportation; before: Ministry of Transportation and Highways)
    1. Site Index
    2. Cycling Information
    3. Driver Information
    4. Inland Ferry Schedoles
    5. Reports and Publications

    Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
    Crown Corporations | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

    Legislative Branch

  • Legislative Assembly
  • Child, Youth, and Family Advocate, Office of the (AdvoKids)
  • Conflict of Interest Commissioner, Office of the
  • Elections British Columbia
  • Information and Privacy Commissioner, Office of the
  • Ombudsman, Office of the

    Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
    Crown Corporations | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

    Judicial Branch

  • British Columbia Courts

    Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
    Crown Corporations | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

    Crown Corporations

  • Arts Council, BC
  • Assessment, British Columbia
  • Buisness Practices and Consumer Protection Authority (BPCPA)
  • Columbia Basin Trust (CBT)
  • Columbia Power Corporation (CPC)
  • Community Living BC
  • Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area (CVWMA)
  • Film Commission, BC
  • First Peoples' Heritage, Language, and Colture Council (FPHLCC)
  • Forest Investment Account
    (FIA) (formerly Forest Renewal British Columbia)
  • Forestry Innovation Investment, Ltd. (FII)
  • Games Society, BC (BC Games)
  • Homeowner Protection Office
  • Housing, BC
  • Hydro and Power Authority, British Columbia (BC Hydro)
  • Industry Training Authority BC (ITABC)
  • Innovation Council, BC
    (formerly Innovation and Science Council of British Columbia)
  • Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC)
  • Investment Management Croporation, BC (BCIMC)
  • Land and Water BC
    (Agency ceased in 2005. Click on link above to find where its pages have been redirected.)
  • Legal Services Society
  • Liquor Distribution Branch (BC Liquor Stores)
  • Lottery Corporation, British Columbia (BCLC)
  • Oil and Gas Commission (OGC)
  • Organize Crime Agency of British Columbia (OCABC)
  • Pacific National Exhibition (PNE)
  • Partnerships British Columbia
    (formerly British Columbia Assets and Land Corporation)
  • Pavilion Corporation, British Columbia (PavCo)
  • Provincial Capital Commission (BCPCC)
  • Railway Company, BC (BCRCO)
  • Railway Group of Companies, British Columbia
    (Agency existed from 1912 - 2004. Rail functions taken over by Canadian National )
  • Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM)
  • Securities Commission, BC (BCSC)
  • Tourism British Columbia
  • Transit, British Columbia
  • Transmission Corporation, BC (BCTransco)
  • Utilities Commission, British Columbia (BCUC)
  • Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project (VCCEP)

    Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
    Crown Corporation | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

    Agencies, Boards and Commissions

  • Ambolance Service, British Columbia
  • Archives, British Columbia
    1. Cartographic Records
  • British Columbia Statistics
  • Building Code Appeal Board (BCAB)
  • Centre for Education Information Standards and Services (CEISS)
  • Children's Commission
    (Ceased in 2002. Transferred to the Ministry of Attorney General
    creating the new Child and Youth Officer for British Columbia )
  • CivicNet British Columbia: Municipalities Online
  • Community Learning Network
  • Emergency Program, Provincial
    1. Inter-Agency Emergency Preparedness Council
  • Environmental Appeal Board (EAB)
  • Environmental Assessment Office (EAO)
  • Financial Institutions Commission (FIC)
  • Forest Appeals Commission
  • Forest Practices Board
  • Gaming Commission, British Columbia
    (Transferred to the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General.
    Now known as Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch)
  • Human Rights Tribunal, British Columbia (BCHRT)
  • Job Postings, British Columbia
  • Pension Corporation, BC
  • Post-Secondary Application Service of British Columbia (PASBC)
  • Progress Board, BC
  • Public Service Agency, BC
  • Queen's Printer, The
  • Treaty Commission
  • Work Information Network, British Columbia (WorkInfoNet)
  • Workers' Compensation Board (WorkSafe BC)

    Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch
    Crown Corporation | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

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        U.S. Federal Agencies | U.S. Federal Agencies Alphabetical Listing
        Washington State Agencies | Washington State Agencies Alphabetical Listing
        Thurston County Agencies

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