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Canadian Government Sources
Judicial Branch

Last updated: July 25, 2006
      1. Supreme Court of Canada
        1. About the Court
        2. Decisions(1985 - Present) and Decisions relative to the
          Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1983 - Present)
        3. Judges of the Court
        4. Library
        5. Statistics
      2. Acts and Roles
      3. Educational Portal

      4. FAQs
        1. Filing an Application for Leave to Appeal
      5. Related Legal Information
        1. Consolidated Statutes

        Provincial Courts

      6. Alberta
        1. Searching Alberta Courts
          1. Searching Alberta Courts Decisions
          2. Site Map
        2. Court of Appeal
        3. Court of Queen's Bench (Superior Court)
        4. Provincial Court
          1. Civil Court
          2. Criminal Court
          3. Family Court
          4. Traffic Court
          5. Youth Court
      7. British Columbia
        1. Supreme Court of British Columbia
        2. Court of Appeal
        3. Provincial Court
      8. Manitoba
        1. Court Locations
        2. Court of Appeal
        3. Court of Queen's Bench
        4. Provincial Court
      9. New Brunswick
        1. Court of Appeal
        2. Court of Queen's Bench
        3. Probate Court
        4. Provincial Court
        5. Small Claims Court
      10. Newfoundland & Labrador
        1. Supreme Court (Court of Appeal)
        2. Supreme Court (Trial Division)
        3. Provincial Court
      11. Northwest Territories
        1. Court of Appeal
        2. Supreme Court
        3. Territorial Court
        4. Youth Justice Court
        5. Justices of the Peace
      12. Nova Scotia
        1. Bankruptcy Court
        2. Court of Appeal
        3. Court Locations
        4. Family Court
        5. Probate Court
        6. Provincial Court
        7. Small Claims Court
        8. Supreme Court
          1. Decisions of Nova Scotia Supreme Court and Court of Appeal
            (Law News Online)

        9. Civil Procedure Roles
        10. Family Services
        11. FAQs
        12. Glossary of Legal Terms
        13. Jury Information
        14. Usefol Resources
      13. Nunavut
        1. Decisions of the Court
        2. Judges' Biographies
      14. Ontario
        1. Court of Appeal
        2. Superior Court of Justice
        3. Ontario Court of Justice
      15. Prince Edward Island
        1. Supreme Court
        2. Provincial Court
        3. Court Locations in PEI
        4. Court Services
      16. Quebec
        1. Court of Appeal
          1. Description
        2. Superior Court
          1. Description
        3. Court of Quebec
          1. Description
        4. Human Rights Tribunal
          1. Description
        5. Municipal Courts
      17. Saskatchewan
        1. Court of Appeal
        2. Court of Queen's Bench
        3. Provincial Court
      18. Yukon Territory
        1. Court of Appeal
        2. Supreme Court
        3. Territorial Court
        4. Small Claims Court

      Canadian Agencies | Canadian Alphabetical Listing | Canadian Provinces
      U.S. Federal Agencies | U.S. Federal Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Washington State Agencies | Washington State Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Thurston County Agencies

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