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New Brunswick Coat of Arms

Canadian Government Resources
Canadian Provinces:
New Brunswick

New Brunswick Flag

Last updated: February 1, 2011

Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Executive Branch

    1. Government of New Brunswick
    2. Premier's Office
    3. Executive Council (Cabinet)
      1. Women's Issues

    4. Aboriginal Affairs
      (formerly Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs)
    5. Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
      (formerly Ministry of Agricultgure, Fisheries, and Aquaculture;
      Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development;
      Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture)
    6. Attorney General
    7. Business New Brunswick
      1. Service New Brunswick (
    8. Comptroller, Office of the
    9. Communications New Brunswick
    10. Community Non-Profit Organizations
    11. Education and Earlyl Childhood Development
      (formerly Ministry of Education)
    12. Emergency Measures Organization
    13. Energy
      (formerly Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy)
    14. Environment
      (formerly Ministry of Environment and Local Government. Previously to that
      Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Municipalities & Housing)
    15. Finance
    16. Health
      (formerly Ministry of Health and Wellness. Previously to that
      it was the Ministry of Health and Community Services)
    17. Human Resources, Office of
      (formerly Human Resources and Development)
    18. Immigration and Settling
      (formerly Immigration and Repatriation Secretariat)
    19. Intergovernmental Affairs
      (formerly Ministry of Intergovernmental & International Relations. Previously
      to that it was the Ministry of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs)
    20. Justice and Consumer Affairs
      (formerly Ministry of Justice)
    21. Local Government
    22. Natural Resources
      (formerly Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy)
    23. Post-Secondary Education, Training, and Labour
    24. Public Safety
      (formerly Solicitor General)
    25. Supply and Services
    26. Tourism and Parks
      (formerly Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism, and Colture)
    27. Post-Secondary, Education, and Training
      (formerly Ministry of Training and Employment Development. Previously
      to that it was the Ministry of Labour)
    28. Senior and Healthy Aging Secretariat
    29. Social Development
      (formerly Ministry of Family and Community Services;
      Ministry of Health and Community Services;
      Ministry of Municipalities and Housing)
    30. Supply and Services
    31. Tourism and Parks
    32. Transportation
    33. Welllness, Culture, and Sport
      (formerly Culture and Sport Secretariat. Previous to that it was
      Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism, and Culture)

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Legislative Branch

    34. Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
    35. Access to Information and Privacy Commissioner, Office of the
    36. Auditor General, Office of the
    37. Commissioner of Official Languages for New Brunswick, Office of the
    38. Conflict of Interest Commissioner
    39. Consumer Advocate for Insurance, Office of
    40. Elections NB
      (formerly Office of the Chief Electoral Officer)
      1. Legislative Democracy, Commission on
      2. Supervisor of Political Financing, Office of the
    41. Legislative Library
    42. Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick, Office of the
    43. Ombudsman, Office of the
    44. Publications
    45. Speech from the Throne
      1. Archives (1996 - Present)
        (scroll down to SPEECH FROM THE THRONE)

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Judicial Branch

    46. Court of Appeal
    47. Court of Queen's Bench
    48. Probate Court
    49. Provincial Court

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Agencies, Boards and Commissions

    50. Advisory Council on the Status of Women
    51. Advisory Council on Seniors, New Brunswick
    52. Arts Board, New Brunswick
    53. Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation, New Brunswick
    54. Economic and Social Inclusion Corporation
    55. Efficiency New Brunswick
    56. Emergency Measures Organization, New Brunswick
    57. Energy and Utilities Board
    58. Energy Commission, New Brunswick
    59. Human Rights Commission, New Brunswick
    60. Insurance Board, New Brunswick
    61. Internal Services Agency, New Brunswick
    62. Investment Management Corporation, New Brunswick (NBIMC)
    63. King's Landing Historical Settlement
    64. Labour and Employment Board
    65. Liquor Corporation, New Brunswick (NBLiquor)
    66. Power, New Brunswick (Energie NBPower)
    67. Premier's Council on the Status of Disabled Persons
    68. Public Library Service, New Brunswick
    69. Provincial Capital Commission
    70. Regional Developoment Corporation
    71. Securities Commission, New Brunswick
    72. Service New Brunswick
    73. Status of Disabled Persons, Premier's Council on the
    74. Team New Brunswick
    75. Village Historique Acadien
    76. WorkSafe NB
      (formerly Workplace Health, Safety, and Compensation Commission)

Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicial Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Canadian Agencies | Canadian Alphabetical Listing | Canadian Provinces
      U.S. Federal Agencies | U.S. Federal Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Washington State Agencies | Washington State Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Thurston County Agencies

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