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Northwest Territories Coat of Arms

Canadian Government Resources
Canadian Provinces:
Northwest Territories

Northwest Territories Flag
Last updated: September 29, 2006

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicail Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Executive Branch

    1. Government of the Northwest Territories
      1. Just for Kids
      2. Map
      3. Symbols

    2. Aboriginal Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations (DAAIR)
      [formerly Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs,(MAA)]
    3. Education, Colture, and Employment (ECE)
    4. Environment and Natural Resources (ENR)
      (formerly Resources, Wildlife, and Economic Development)
    5. Executive
    6. Finance (FIN)
    7. Financial Management Board Secretariat
    8. Health and Social Services
    9. Human Resources
    10. Industry, Tourism, and Investment (ITI)
      (formerly Resources, Wildlife, and Economic Development)
    11. Justice
    12. Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA)
    13. Public Works and Services
    14. Resources, Wildlife, and Economic Development
      (Department split into the Department of Environment & Natural Resources
      and Department of Industry, Tourism, & Investment)
    15. Transportation

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicail Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Legislative Branch

    16. Elections NWT
    17. Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories
    18. Languages Commissioner of the Northwest Territories

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicail Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Judicial Branch

    19. Northwest Territories
      1. Court of Appeal
      2. Supreme Court
      3. Territorial Court
      4. Youth Justice Court
      5. Justices of the Peace

      Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicail Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Agencies, Boards and Commissions

    20. Aurora College
    21. Beaufort-Delta Health and Social Services Authority
    22. Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC)
      (formerly Northwest Territories Development Corporation)
    23. Deh Cho Health and Social Services Authority
    24. Fort Smith Health and Social Services Authority
    25. Hay River Health and Social Services Authority
    26. Housing Corporation, Northwest Territories
    27. Power Corporation, Northwest Territories
    28. Sahtu Health and Social Services Authority
    29. Stanton Territorial Health Authority
    30. Tlicho Community Services Agency
    31. Travel and Tourism
    32. Workers' Compensation Board Northwest Territories and Nunavut
    33. Yellowknife Health and Social Services Authority

Executive Branch | Legislative Branch | Judicail Branch | Agencies, Boards & Commissions

      Canadian Agencies | Canadian Alphabetical Listing | Canadian Provinces
      U.S. Federal Agencies | U.S. Federal Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Washington State Agencies | Washington State Agencies Alphabetical Listing
      Thurston County Agencies

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