Alphabetical Listing -- C
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Alphabetical Listing -- C
Last updated: April 9, 2003
- Cable Services Bureau - (merged with Mass Media Bureau -- FCC)
Cancer Trials
Cantwell, Maria Senator (D)
- Capital Punishment -- Bureau of Justice Statistics
Cars - Vehicle and Equipment Information - Dept. of Transportation
Catalog of Cell Lines: NIGMS Human Genetic Mutant Cell -- National
Institute of General Medical Sciences
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance -- General Services
CDC Wonder
Cell, Inside the
Census Bureau
Census Data, Historical (U.S.) 1790 - 1960
Census of Agriculture -- USDA
- Census of State and Local Enforcement Agencies:
Census, 1990 -- Census Bureau
- Census, 1990 (via
University of California at Berkely)
Census 2000 -- Census Bureau
Center or Centers
(This is a list of Federal agencies that begin with the words CENTER or CENTERS)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Central Library, NOAA -- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
CFTC Publications and Reports
Chart Catalog, Online -- National Ocean Service
Charts, Nautical -- National Ocean Service
Chief of the National Guard
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Child Care Bureau -- Department of Health and Human Services
- Child
Labor Report - International Child Labor Program - Dept. of Labor
Child Support Enforcement
Child Support State Links - Department of Health and Human Services
Children's Bureau -- Department of Health and Human Services
CIA Maps (via University of Texas--Austin, Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection)
CIA Publications
Citizen Exchanges - Interntional Information Programs, Department of State
Citizens' Stamp Advisory Committee
City of New Orleans - Amtrak
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy, Development, and Research -- Department of Housing and Urban Development
Civil Division - Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division - Department of Justice
Civilian Radioactive Waste Management - Department of Energy
Clean Air - Environmental Protection Agency
Clean Energy 101
Clean Water Facts - Environmental Protection Agency
Clinical Research Studies Protocol Database -- National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases
Clinical Trials Database -- National Eye Institute, Department of Health and Human Services
Cloning Human Beings (.pdf)
Coast Guard
Coast Guard (the magazine)
Coast Guard Academy
Coast Guard Auxiliary
Coast Guard Magazines
Coast Guard Recruiting Offices
Coast Guard Reserve
Coast Guard Units & Locations
Coast Survey, Office of - National Ocean Service
Coastal Ocean Program - NOAA
Coastal Survey Development Laboratory - National Ocean Service
Code of Federal Regulations - GPO Access
Code of Federal Regulations - NARA
Columbus Area Office - Dept. of Energy
- Compendium of Federal Justice Statistics:
Commandant of the Marines
Commerce Business Daily - GPO Access
Commerce Department
Commercial Guides List -- by Country (now US Commercial Service)
Commercial Space Transportation
Commission on Fine Arts
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE, aka The Helsinki
Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States
Intelligence Community
Commitments of Traders Reports - CFTC
Commodity Flow Survey - Dept. of Transportation
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
Common Carrier Bureau - FCC
Commonly Requested Federal Services
Communities - HUD
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI) -- Dept. of the
Community 2020 Plans links --HUD
Community Planning and Development - HUD
Community Plans (by State) -- HUD
Community Plans: Washington -- HUD
Community Services, Office of -- HHS
Compliance and Information Bureau - FCC(now Consumer and Govermental Affairs)
Comptroller of the Currency
Concerned Citizens - EPA
Concrete Dams -- Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior
Condition of Education (1989 - Present)
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
Congressional Documents & Debates, 1774-1873
Congressional News and Analysis
Congressional Organizations and Commissions
Congressional Record and Index - Congress
Congressional Record - GPO Access
Congressional Schedules and Calendars - hosted by CongressMerge
Congressional Testimony -- Office of Nonproliferation & National Security -- Department of Energy
Conservation and Research Center- Smithsonian Institution (now Smithsonian Center for Material Restoration and Education SCMRE)
Consolidated Financial Statements of the United States Government
Consumer Alert -- HUD
Consumer Appliance Information -- Dept. of Energy
- Your Resource for Consumer Information from the Federal
Consumer Health -- Agency for Health Care Policy and Research -- HHS
Consumer Information: Medicare -- HHS
Consumer Information: Medicaid -- HHS
Consumer Information Center now Federal Citizen Information Center - General Services Administration
Consumer Information formerly ConsumerLine - FTC
Consumer Information - Post Office
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Contaminants in the Mississippi River, 1987-1992 (Circular 1133)
-- U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior
Cool Science -- Department of Energy
Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum - Smithsonian
Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service - Dept. of Agriculture
Coordinating Council on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Coordinator for International Athletics (now Director of International Sports Initiatives) -- Department of State
Copyright Office
Corporation for National Service
Cosmetics - Federal Drug Administration
Council of Economic Advisors
Council on Environmental Quality
Counter-Narcotics Rewards Program -- Dept. of State
Counter-Terrorism Rewards Program (Rewards for Justice) -- Department of State
Counterfeit Protection
Country Analysis Briefs -- Department of Energy
Country Commercial Guides 2002 - Dept. of State
Country Information - Export-Import Bank
Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices
Country Reports on Human Rights (1999 - Present)
Country Studies. Area Handbook Program - Library of Congress
County Business Patterns
CPI Calculator
CPSC Business Information
CPSC Consumer Information
CPSC Library
Credit Union Data
Crescent - Amtrak
Critical Charts Corrections - National Ocean Service
Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office - Dept. of Homeland Security
Crime in the United States -FBI Statistics-(1995 - Present)
Criminal Division - Dept. of Justice
Criminal Investigation Division -- Internal Revenue Service
Currency Information -- Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Current Intelligence Bulletins (no. 1 (1975) - Present)
Current Population Survey
Currents -- Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory, Department of Energy
Customs and Border Service, U.S. - Dept. of Homeland Security
Customs Most Wanted, U.S.
Customs Offices - Washington
CyberCemetery -archive of defunct government webpages hosted by University of Texas-
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