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GPO Access Databases

Last update: March 31, 2011

FDSys (Federal Digital System)
(formerly GPO Access)
Additional Government Pubications
Ben's Guide to U.S. Government Information for Kids (K-12)
Budget of the United States (1996 - Present)
Cannon's Precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States including
References to Provisions of the Constitution, the Laws, and
Decisions of the United States Senate (1908 - 1936)
Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (July 1976 - Present)
[formerly Monthly Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (MOCAT)]
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)(April 1996 - Present)
Comprehensive Revised Report with Addendums on Iraq's
Weapons of Mass Destructions
(Duelfer Report)
Congressional Bills (103rd Congress, 1993/94 - Present)
Congressional Committee Prints (105th Congress, 1997/98 - Present)
Congressional Conference Reports(109th Congress, 2005/2006 - Present)
Congressional Directory (104th Congress, 1995/96 - Present)
Congressional Documents: Senate, House, and Treaty Documents
(104th Congress, 1995/96 - Present)
[U.S. Serial Set]
Congressional Hearings: Senate and House (105th Congress, 1997/98 - Present)
Congressional Pictorial Directory (1997/98 - Present)
Congressional Record (1994 - Present)
Congressional Record Index (1983 - Present)
Congressional Reports: Senate, House, and Executive Reports
(104th Congress - Present)
[U.S. Serial Set]
Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents (Jan. 20, 2009 - Present)
[formerly Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents (1993 - Jan. 29, 2009)]
Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations
Department of Energy (DOE) Information Bridge
Deschler's Precedents of the United States House of Representatives
(1928 - 1974; volumes 1 - 9) and
Deschler-Brown Precedents (1974 - 1994; volumes 10 - 15)
Economic Indicators (1995 - Present)
Economic Report of the President (1995 - Present)
FedBizOpps (Federal Business Opportunities) (January 2002 - Present)
[formerly Commerce Business Daily (CBD)or CBDnet]
Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) Decisions (1979 - Present)
Federal R & D Project Summaries
Federal Register (1994 - Present)
Foreign Affairs Network
Foreign Assets Control Documents, Office of (1993 - Present)
General Accountability Office Comptorller General's Decisions (October 1995 - Present)
General Accountability Office (GAO) Reports (1995 - Present)
GrayLIT Network: A Science Portal to Technical Reports
Hind's Precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States including
References to Provisions of the Constitution, the Laws, and
Decisions of the United States Senate (1907)
History of Bills (1983 - Present)
House Publications and Committees, Miscellaneous
List of CFR Sections Affected (1997 - Present)
Merit Systems Protection Board Decisions, U.S. (1980 - Present)
Plum Book (Policy and Supporting Positions)
(1996 - Present, published every 4 years)
Privacy Act Issuances (1995 - Present, published every two years)
Public and Private Laws (104th Congress - Present)
Public Papers of the President (1991 - Present)
Report of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities
of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction
(Unclassified Version)
Senate Publications and Committees, Miscellaneous
State of the Union (1992 - Present)
Style Manual, Government Printing Office
Supreme Court Decisions
Unified Agenda (1994 - Present)
United States Code
(2000 and 1994 editions with supplements)
United States Constitution: Analysis and Interpretation
(also Declaration of Independence)
[2002 and 1992 editions plus supplements]
United States Government Manual (1995/96 - Present)