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Alphabetical Listing -- P
Last updated: April 10, 2006
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Dept. of Energy
Panama Canal Commission
Pantex - Dept. of Energy
Pardon Attorney
Park Science -- National Parks Service
Parks by State, National -- National Parks Service
Parks in Washington, National -- National Parks Service
Parole Commission
Particle Physics Tutorial
Passport Information
Patent & Trademark Depository Library Program
Patent and Trademark Office
Patent Information -- Patent & Trademark Office
Patent Records, Land -- Bureau of Land Management -- Dept. of Interior
Patents & Trademarks Forms
Patents, Searching: 1976 - Present -- Patent & Trademark Office
Patient Information -- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Peace Corps
Peace Corps Countries
Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation - Department of Labor
Pensions and Welfare Benefits Administration - Department of Labor
(name changed to:
Employee Benefits Security Administration
in February 2003)
People and Offices at ED
People, Land, and Water
People, Places, and Organizations - Department of Energy
People - Traffic Safety and Occupant Protection - Department of Transportation
Persian Gulf Veterans' Illnesses -- Department of Veterans Affairs
Personal Earnings and Benefit Estimate Statement -- Social Security Administration
Photo Gallery
Pipeline Safety -- Department of Transportation
Pipeline Safety Data Statistics
Pittsburgh Federal Energy Technology Center (PETC) - Department of Energy
[PETC and Morgantown Energy Technology Center merged to become the
Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC). The FETC was reorganized and
renamed the
National Eneergy Technology Laboratory ]
Place Search (U.S. Gazetteer) -- Census Bureau
Political Activity (Hatch Act)
Post Office Locator -- U.S. Postal Service
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Coping with
Postage Calculator -- U.S. Postal Service
Postage Rates -- U.S. Postal Service
Postal Business Service Network Locator -- U.S. Postal Service
(formerly Business Center Locator)
Postal Inspection Service -- U.S. Postal Service
Postal Life Magazine -- U.S. Postal Service
Postal Rate Commission
Postal Service, U.S. (USPS)
Population, Refugees, and Migration, Bureau of -- Department of State
Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence
Preparing Students for Employment
President of the United States
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
[now called
Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP),
U.S. Department of Labor]
President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities (PCPID)
[formerly President's Committee on Mental Retardation (PCMR)]
President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency
President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board
President's Summit for America's Future
(Archival website from the Clinton Administration)
Presidential Directives and Executive Orders
Federation of American Scientists web site)
Presidential Documents, Weekly Compilation of
Presidential Libraries System - National Archives and Records Administration
Presidential Tax Returns (via
Tax History Project )
Prime Rate (Daily)
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory - Department of Energy
Printing and Engraving
Privacy Act Issuances - National Archives and Records Administration
Private International Law Database -- Department of State
Privatization Program -- Department of Energy
(this page is no longer maintained and has been removed -- August 21, 2002)
Product Recalls - CPSC (Press Releases)
Professional & Technical Information -- Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services(CMS)
[formerly Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)]
Professional/Technical Information -- Medicaid
Professional/Technical Information -- Medicare
Property Information - General Services Administration
Programs by Categories -- HUD
Program Support Center -- Department of Health and Human Services
Protect Your Pension: A Quick Reference Guide -- Department of Labor
Protecting Our Children - Environmental Protection Agency
Protein Data Bank
PubMed Central(MEDLINE) - National Library of Medicine - HHS
PubMed Help
PubMed Training Manual
Public and Indian Housing, Office of - Department of Housing and Urban Development
Public Debt
Public Debt to the Penny
Public Health Assessment (by State) -- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health Assessment -- Washington -- Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public Health Practice Program Office (PHPPO) - Department of Health and Humam Services
Pulbic Land Orders (n.1 1942 - Present) -- Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
Public Land Statistics (1996 - Present) -- Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
Public Rewards from Public Lands -- Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior
Publications (a listing of Publications links of Federal govt. agencies)
Publications Reference File (PRF) - Government Publications for Sale
GPO Bookstore ]
PubScience (PubSCIENCE is a component of EnergyFiles Virtual Library
of Energy Science and Technology.)
(Database was discontinued by the U.S. Department of Energy, November 4, 2002)
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