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Department of Defense

Last updated: August 17, 2009
  1. Department of Defense (DoD)
    1. Secretary of Defense, Office of the (OSD)
    2. Defense Agencies
    3. Directory Information (via U.S. Government Manual)
    4. War Department Papers, 1784 - 1800 (via George Mason University)
    5. Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS)
      1. Joint Electronic Library
      2. National Military Strategic Plan for the War on Terrorism (.pdf)
      3. National Strategy for Victory in Iraq
    6. Unified Combatant Commands
      1. Central Command, U.S. (CENTCOM)
      2. European Command, U.S. (EUCOM)
      3. Joint Forces Command, U.S. (JFCOM)
      4. Northern Command, U.S. (NORTHCOM)
      5. Pacific Command, U.S. (PACOM)
      6. Southern Command, U.S. (SOUTHCOM)
      7. Special Operations Command, U.S. (SOCOM)
      8. Strategic Command, U.S. (STRATCOM)
      9. Transportation Command, U.S. (TRANSCOM)
    7. American Forces Information Service (AFIS)
      1. Imagery and Moltimedia (Defense Visual Information Directorate)
      2. Pentagon Channel
      3. Stars & Stripes
    8. Defense Advanced Research Products Agency (DARPA)
      1. Offices
      2. Programs
    9. Popolation Representation in the Military Services
      1. 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | FY 2000
      2. FY 1999 | FY 1998 | FY 1997
  2. Armed Forces
    1. Army
      1. Secretary of the Army (SECARMY)
      2. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. (USACE)
        1. Divisions and Districts
          1. Northwestern Division
            1. Portland District
            2. Seattle District
            3. Walla Walla District
        2. Waterways Experiment Section
      3. Army Installations
        1. Fort Lewis
        2. Madigan Army Medical Center (Western Regional Medical Command)
      4. Army Public Affairs
        1. Army Fact File (including weapon systems)
        2. Army Field Band
        3. Army News Service (ARNEWS)
        4. Army Recruiting (Go Army)
      5. Center of Military History, U.S. Army
        1. American Military History
        2. Campaigns and Casualties
          1. World War II, Korea, and Vietnam Casualties Listed by State
        3. Contributions of Women & Ethnic/Racial Groups to the U.S. Army
        4. Medal of Honor Citations
      6. National Guard Bureau
        1. Air National Guard
        2. Army National Guard
        3. Chief of the National Guard
      7. Soldiers (Joly 1994 - Present)
        1. HTML format (Joly 1994 - June 2003)
        2. .PDF format (Janurary 2001 - Present)
      8. Symbols and Insigna
      9. The Soldier's Almanac
        1. 2006 (.pdf) | 2005 (.pdf) | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
        2. 1999 | 1998
      10. U.S. Military Academy (West Point)
  3. Navy, U.S. (USN)
    1. Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV)
      1. Secretaries of the Navy (1798 - Present)
    2. All Hands (August 1922 - Present)
    3. Anchors Aweigh (by the U.S. Navy Band)
    4. Chaplain Corps, U.S. Navy
    5. Civil War Sailors Database (via National Park Service)
    6. Core Values of the United States Navy
        Sailor's Creed
    7. Decommissioned Ships
    8. Directives, Navy
    9. Environmental Program, U.S. Navy
    10. Homeport List
    11. Insigna, Medals & Ribbons
      1. Enlisted Ratings: Insigna and Duties
      2. Medals and Ribbons (.pdf)
      3. Ranks and Rates
      4. Staff Corps Officers
      5. Warrant Officers
    12. Judge Advocate General (JAG)
      1. Reading Room
      2. Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) (.pdf)
    13. List of Navy Carriers
      1. Description of aircraft carriers
    14. Naval Historical Center
      1. Library of Selected Images
      2. Medal of Honor Recipients
      3. Naval Art Gallery
      4. Navy Department Library
      5. Publications
        1. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships
        2. Traditions, Customs and Terminology of Our Naval Heritage
        3. Wars and Conflicts of the U.S. Navy
      6. Naval War College (NWC)
      7. Navy Fact File (Weapons and Ships)
      8. Sea Power for a New Era: A Program Guide to the U.S. Navy
        (formerly Vision, Presence, and Power: A Program Guide to the U.S. Navy)
        1. 2006
        2. Vision, Presence, and Power: A Program Guide to the U.S. Navy
          1. 2005 | 2004 | 2002 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
      9. Status of the U.S. Navy
      10. U.S. Naval Academy (Annapolis)
      11. USS George Washington
    15. Air Force
      1. Airman (Sept. 1996 - Present)
      2. Air Force Fact Sheets (including aircraft and weapons)
      3. Air Force 60th Anniversary (1947 - 2007)
      4. Air National Guard
      5. Air University
        1. Air University Library Index to Military Periodicals, 1990-Present
      6. Art, Air Force
      7. Biographies of Air Force Leaders
      8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
      9. Heritage (Air Force History)
      10. Photo Gallery
      11. Posture Statement
      12. Roswell
        1. Roswell Incident
        2. Roswell Report: Case Closed (Executive Summary)
      13. U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA)
      14. Videos, Streaming
        1. How We Fight
    16. Marine Corps, U.S. (USMC)
      1. Commandant of the Marine Corps
      2. History and Museums Division
      3. Marine Band, U.S.
      4. Marine Corps Fact File (including weapons)
      5. Marine Corps Units--Alphabetically
      6. Marine Corps Units--By Location
      7. Marine Corps University
      8. Marines Magazine (1996 - Present)
        1. Back Issues
      9. Marine Recruiting
      10. Medal of Honor Recipients
      11. Navajo Code Talkers
        1. Fact Sheet
        2. Navajo Code Talkers Dictionary
      12. Rank Insigna
    17. Coast Guard,U.S. (USCG)
      (during peace time, the USCG is part of the Department of Homeland Security)
      1. Coast Guard Magazine (October 1999 - Present)
      2. Coast Guard Directives
      3. Coast Guard Units Locations
      4. Fact File
      5. Historian's Office
        1. Flags, Medals, and Uniforms
        2. Historic Documents
        3. Lighthouses
        4. Mascots
      6. Lighthouses in the United States
        1. Inventory of Historic Lighthouses (via the National Park Service)
        2. Lighthouse FAQs
      7. Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection
      8. Navigation Center
        1. Light Lists and Corrections
          1. Pacific Coast and Pacific Islands (.pdf)
        2. Local Notice to Mariners (LNM)
      9. News
        1. Pacific Northwest
      10. Publications
      11. Recruiting Offices
      12. Reservist (1996 - Present)
      13. U.S. Coast Guard Academy (CGA)
    18. National Defense University
      1. Research Centers
        1. Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction
      2. National War College
    19. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
      (NGA) [formerly National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), 1996 - 2003 and
      Defense Mapping Agency (DMA) 1972 - 1996]
      1. Aeronautical Safety Division
      2. Digital Nautical Chart (DNC)
      3. Earth Explorer
      4. GeoNet: get latitude and longitude coordinates from all over the world.
      5. Geospatial Science Division
        1. GPS Data
        2. Metadata
        3. Publications
      6. Marine Safety Information
        1. Nautical Calcolators
        2. Notice to Mariners (Joly 17, 1999 - Present)
      7. Raster Roam
    20. National Security Agency (NSA)
      1. Declassified Information
      2. Historical Publications
      3. Strategic Plan

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