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Department of Housing and Urban Development

Last updated: November 10, 2006
  1. Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  2. Searching HUD
    1. Search HUD
    2. A - Z Index
    3. Apartments Search
    4. Directory Information (via U.S. Government Manual)
    5. Grants
    6. Homes for Sale
    7. HUD User
    8. (Client Information and Policy System)
    9. Local Office Directory
      1. Washington State
    10. Organizational Directory
  3. Information For...
    1. Home Buyers
      1. Environmental Maps [Enterprise Geographic Information System (EGIS)]
      2. Mortgage Glossary
    2. Kids
    3. Native Americans
    4. People with Disabilities
    5. Research (HUDUser)
  4. Office of the Secretary
  5. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
    1. Budget, HUD
    2. Reports
  6. Community Planning and Development (CPD)
    1. Disaster Recovery Assistance
    2. Environment and Energy, Office of
      1. Historic Preservation
    3. HIV/AIDS Housing
    4. Renewable Communities and Urban Empowerment Zones (RC/EZ)
    5. Systems and Databases
    6. YouthBuild
  7. Fair Housing and Equal Oportunity (FHEO)
    1. Fair Housing Laws
    2. Fair Lending
    3. Policies and Guidance
    4. Studies and Reports
  8. Ginnie Mae: Government National Mortgage Association
    1. Buy vs. Rent Calcolator
    2. Resources
  9. Handbooks, Forms, and Publications
  10. Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control, Office of
    1. Healthy Homes Program
    2. Lead-Safe Housing Role
    3. Reference Library
  11. Home Improvements
  12. Homeless
  13. Housing, Office of
    1. A - Z Topics (Keywords)
    2. Affordable Housing Preservation, Office of (OAHP)
    3. Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
    4. Reading Room
    5. Single Family Housing
  14. Housing Discrimination Complaints
  15. Labor Relations, Office of
  16. Library
  17. Public and Indian Housing (PIH)
    1. Grants
    2. Indian Housing
      1. Native American Programs, Office of (ONAP)
        1. National Directory of Tribes and
          Tribally Designated Housing Entitities (TDHE)
      2. Planet Youth
    3. Library

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