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Department of State

Last update: March 31, 2011
  1. Department of State
    1. Searching State
      1. Searching State
      2. Directory Information (via U.S Government Manual)
      3. Electronic Research Collection
      4. Search Treaties
        1. Search Treaties (via U.S. State Department)
        2. via U.S. Senate
          1. THOMAS (90th Congress (1967) - Present
          2. Treaties Approved During the Current Congress
          3. Treaties Received During the Current Congress
      5. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)
        (U.S. State Department Annual Report)
        1. 1861 - 1960 (Lincoln - Eisenhower)
        2. 1961 - 1976 (Kennedy - Ford)
      6. Archival State Department Websites from Previous Administrations
        1. Clinton Administration (January 1993 - January 20, 2001)
    2. About State
      1. Biographies of Principal Officers of the State Dept.
      2. Biographies of U.S. Ambassadors
      3. Great Seal of the United States
      4. Major State Department Publications
      5. State Department Careers
        1. Foreign Service Officer Test (FSOT)

  2. Office of the Secretary (S)
    1. Civil Rights, Office of (S/OCR)
    2. Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Office of the (S/CT)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Country Reports on Terrorism
      3. Reports from the Field
    3. Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, Office of the (S/CRS)
    4. Counselor of the Department (C)
    5. Executive Secretariat (S/ES)
    6. Global AIDS Coordinator, Office of the U.S. (S/GAC)
    7. Office of Inspector General (OIG)
    8. Intelligence and Research, Bureau of (S/INR)
    9. Legal Adviser, Office of the (L)
      1. Digest of United States Practice in International Law (1989 - Present)
      2. Treaty Affairs
        1. Search Treaties
          1. Search Treaties (via U.S. State Department)
          2. via U.S. Senate
            1. THOMAS (90th Congress (1967) - Present
            2. Treaties Approved During the Current Congress
            3. Treaties Received During the Current Congress
        2. Arms Control Treaties and Agreements
        3. Treaty Actions (1997 - Present)
        4. Treaties in Force
    10. Legislative Affairs, Bureau of (H)
    11. Policy Planning Staff (S/P)
    12. Protocol, Office of the Chief of (CPR)
      1. Diplomatic List
        1. Fall 1997 - Present
      2. Facts and History
      3. Foreign Consolar Offices in the United States
      4. Websites of Foreign Embassies in the U.S.
    13. War Crimes Issues, Office of (S/WCI)
  3. Deputy Secretary (D)
    1. Resource Management, Bureau of (RM)
  4. Director of U.S. Foreign Assistance and Administrator of USAID (F)
  5. Office of the Permanent Representative to the United Nations
  6. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security (T)
    (formerly Bureau of Arms Control and International Security and
    formerly U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency)
    1. International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
    2. Political-Military Affairs, Burea of (PM)
    3. Verification, Compliance, and Implementation, Bureau of (VCI)
  7. Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs (G)
    1. Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of (DRL)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
        1. 1999 - Present
        2. 1993 - 1999
    2. Intnernational Women's Issues, Office of (WI)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
    3. Monitor and Combat Trafficking of Persons, Office of (G/TIP)
    4. Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
    5. Popolation, Refugees, and Migration, Bureau of (PRM)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
    6. Science and Technology Adviser, Office of the (G/STAS)
  8. Under Secretary for Economic Energy and Economic Affairs (E)
    1. Clinton Administration Archival Websites
      1. Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
        1. Coordinator for Business Affairs, Office of the
        2. Economic Sanctions
    2. Economic, Energy, and Business Affairs, Bureau of (EEB)
      1. Country Reports on Economic Policy and Trade Practices
      2. Free Trade Agreements
  9. Under Secretary for Management (M)
    1. Administration, Bureau of (A)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Key Officers at Foreign Service Posts (.pdf)
    2. Information Resource Management, Bureau of (IRM)
      1. Chief Information Officer (CIO)
      1. Allowances, Office of (A/OPR/ALS)
      2. Authentications, Office of (A/OPR/GSM/AUTH)
        1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      3. Consolar Affairs, Bureau of (
        1. Children's Issues, Office of (Children & Family)
          1. Intercountry Adoption
        2. Country Specific Information
        3. Embassies, Consolates, and Diplomatic Missions
        4. International Travel
        5. Law and Policy
        6. Passport Information
        7. Travel Alerts
        8. Travel Warnings
        9. Visa Information
      4. Diplomatic Security, Bureau of (DS)
        1. Fighting Terrorism
        2. Issuing Security Clearances
      5. Foreign Service Institute (FSI)
      6. Human Resources, Bureau of (DGHR)
        1. Chiefs of Mission
        2. Recruitment
        3. State Magazine (1996 - Present)
      7. Management Policy, Office of (M/P)
      8. Overseas and Buildings Operations (OBO)
      9. Rightsizing the U.S. Government Overseas Presence (M/R)
        1. Quarterly Reports
  10. Under Secretary for Political Affairs (P)
    1. African Affairs, Bureau of (AF)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Countries and Other Areas
      3. Regional Topics
    2. East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Bureau of (EAP)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Countries and Other Areas
      3. Regional Topics
    3. European and Eurasian Affairs, Bureau of (EUR)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website (European Affairs)
      2. Clinton Administration Archival Website (New Independent States)
      3. Countries and Other Areas
      4. Regional Topics
    4. International Narcotics and and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of (INL)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (1996 - Present)
      3. Regional and Country Programs
    5. Near Eastern Affairs, Bureau of (NEA)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Countries and Other Areas
      3. Regional Topics
    6. South and Central Asian Affairs, Bureau of (SCA)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Countries and Other Areas
      3. Regional Issues
    7. Western Hemisphere Affairs, Bureau of (WHA)
      1. Clinton Administration Archival Website
      2. Countries and Other Areas
      3. Regional Topics
  11. Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs (R)
    1. Dispatch Magazine
      (ceased publication December 1999)
      1. 1990 - 1996 (v.1 - v.7)
      2. 1997 - 1998 (v.8 - v.9)
      3. 1999 (v.10)
    2. Educational and Coltural Affairs, Bureau of (ECA)
      1. Citizen Exchanges
      2. English Language Programs, Office of (English Teaching Opportunities)
        1. English Teaching Forum
      3. Folbright Program
      4. Gilman Scholarship Program
      5. Study Abroad Resources
    3. International Information Programs, Bureau of (IIP)
      (formerly U.S. Information Agency)
      1. Telling America's Story
        (formerly USINFO)
        1. eJournalUSA
        2. Moltimedia
        3. Publications
        4. World Regions
      2. International Organization Affairs, Bureau of (IO)
        1. Annual Reports to Congress (1995 - Present)
        2. Clinton Administration Archival Website
          1. Coordinator for International Athletics
        3. Explanation of Votes/Positions by U.S. Delegations
      3. Policy, Planning and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Office of (R/PPR)
      4. Public Affairs, Bureau of (PA)
        1. Background Notes (1990 - Present)
        2. Broadcast Services (Video and Audio)
        3. Foreign Press Centers
        4. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)
          (U.S. State Department Annual Report)
          1. 1861 - 1960 (Lincoln - Eisenhower)
          2. 1945 - 1976 (Truman - Nixon)
        5. Historian, Office of the (HO)
          1. A History of the U.S. Department of State, 1789 - 1996
          2. Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS)
            (U.S. State Department Annual Report)
            1. 1861 - 1960 (Lincoln - Eisenhower)
            2. 1945 - 1976 (Truman - Nixon)
          3. History of the Department of State During
            the Clinton Presidency, 1993 - 2001
          4. Publications
          5. Timeline of U.S. Diplomatic History
        6. Publications

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