Tribal Government Sources: Nations Alphabetical Listing -- Y
Last update: February 2, 2009The listing of tribes in these pages have been compiled in order to allow for easier access to information on the culture and history of the Native American tribes of the United States.
Some of the links will have an icon next to them designating them as either Federally recognized () or
State recognized (
Appearance on this site does not mean an endorsement has been made for recognition of any particular tribe. The listing was created in
order to aid academic research.
Yakama Nation (Washington State)
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation (Arizona)
Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation (Arizona)
Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony & Campbell Ranch (Nevada)
Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation (Nevada)
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas
Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation (California)