Washington State Legislative Branch
Last update: April 13, 2009-
Legislature, Washington State
- Searching the Legislature
- Searching the Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
- Searching by keyword the RCW/WAC/State Register/Bills/WA State Constitution
Bill Information
- Historical Bill Information (1991 - Present)
- Budgets, State
- Find Your Legislator
History of the State Legislature
- Capitol Campus Photo Gallery
- Members of the Legislature, 1889-2005 (.pdf)
- Oral History Program
State Constitution, Washington
1878 Text |
.pdf version
(This version never took effect because the President never signed it.
But, was the basis for the 1889 Constitution) -
View online images of the original Constitution as signed in 1889
(Also includes a Constitution written in 1878 that was never signed by the
President. The 1878 version, though, was used as a model for the 1889 Constitution)
1878 Text |
.pdf version
- Washington History (via the Office of the Secretary of State)
- Laws of Washington
- Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
- Session Laws (1997/98 - Present)
- Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
- Washington State Register (WSR)
- More information on state laws and agency roles
- Legislative Calendars,Schedules,and Agendas
- Reports to the Legislature
- Students' Page
- Symbols of Washington State
- Redistricting Commission
TVW: TV Washington
(Legislative hearings on audio and video)
- Searching the Legislature
- Code Reviser, Washington State Office of the
House of Representatives, Washington State
- Searching House
House Members by District
- Thurston County
- Alexander, Gary. House of Representatives 20th District
- Campbell, Tom. House of Representatives 2nd District
- DeBolt, Richard. House of Representatives 20th District
- Finn, Fred. House of Representatives 35th District
- Haigh, Kathy. House of Representatives 35th District
- Hunt, Sam. House of Representatives 22nd District
- McCune, Jim. House of Representatives 2nd District
- Williams, Brendan. House of Representatives 22nd District
- Thurston County
- House Members by Name
House Members by District
- House Committees
- House Daily Journal (2005 - Present)
- Page and Intern Program
- Searching House
- Institute for Public Policy, Washington State (WSIPP)
- Joint Administrative Roles Review Committee (JAARC)
Joint Legislative Audit and Review Committee (JLARC)
(formerly the Legislative Budget Committee)- Audit and Study Reports (1995 - Present)
Joint Transportation Committee (JTC)
[formerly Legislative Transportation Committee (LTC)] - Legislative Ethics Board
- Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP)
- Visit the Capitol
- Visiting the Legislature
- Senate