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LMI Review

Last updated: September 5, 2003

LMI Review has ceased publication. Its last issue was November 2000 (2nd quarter 2000 data).

2000/2001 Issues:

November 2000
(2nd quarter 2000 data)
Employment Security Looks to High-Tech ; Reflections on Washington's High-Tech Industries ;
Futurework: Trends and Challenges for Work in the 21st Century ; The American Economy: Producing More with Less?
August 2000
(1st quarter 2000 data)
Praise for WorkFirst ; Keeping the Pace ; WorkFirst Longitudinal Study.

1999/2000 Issues:

May 2000
(4th quarter 1999 data)
LMI is More Than Unemployment ; Growth Moderates as Economy Moves Forward ; Low Income and the Working Poor ;
Measuring Economic Similarity ; The Aging of Farm Operators.
February 2000
(3rd quarter 1999 data)
WorkSource Provides Core Services ; Strength and Stamina ; Productivity ; Contingent Workers ; Consumer Expenditures.
November 1999
(2nd quarter 1999 data)
Labor Market Information That Works; Slwoer and Steadier ; Wealth and Income Effects of Employee Ownership ;
Income by State: 1997, From Your New Friendly Neighborhood IRS ; Temporary and Part-time Workers in Washington State
August 1999
(1st quarter 1999 data)
WorkFirst Gives Clients a Set-up; Exuberant but Not Unbalanced ; Industry Attachment of WorkFirst Participants ;
Average Covered Wage Change and Distribution ; Another Look at Mass Layoffs

1998/1999 Issues:

June 1999
(4th quarter 1998 data)
WorkSource Founded on Strong Foundation; Quarterly Analysis - Holding Strong; Another Look at Training Levels;
Turnover: Faster and Faster; An Investigation into Mass Layoff Statistics.
February 1999
(3rd quarter 1998 data)
Changes are on the Way; Passing the Baton; The New State Population Survey: A Labor Market Profile; The Other Tri-Cities;
Emerging Occupations from the U.S. Occupational Outlook.
November 1998
(2nd quarter 1998 data)
Labor Market Information That Works; Slwoer and Steadier ; Wealth and Income Effects of Employee Ownership ;
Income by State: 1997, From Your New Friendly Neighborhood IRS ; Temporary and Part-time Workers in Washington State
August 1998
(1st quarter 1998 data)
A Proud History in the Making ; Cruising Attitude; The Solow Productivity Paradox: What do Computers do to Productivity;
Births, Deaths, Expansions and Contractions: Washington and the U.S., 1994-1995 ; Work at Home in 1997

1997/1998 Issues:

May 1998
(4th quarter 1997 data)
Technology, Humanity, and Employment Security; Reaching the Peak; Dislocated Workers; Distressed Areas; OES Wage Survey
February 1998
(3rd quarter 1997 data)
Tight Labor Market Bodes Well for Wages; Washington and the Other Washington; Labor Shortage: Perception or Reality;
Inflation and Wages; A Study of 1996/1997 Salary Offers

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