1890 Census Information" 11th Census
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000
1890 Census Database
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
1889 - 1897 |
I 12.1: I 1.1: |
Abstract, 1894 | I 12.2: Ab 8/1 | NIC |
same, 1896 enlarged edition | I 12.2: Ab 8/2 | NIC |
Agriculture by Irrigation | I 12.2: Ag 8 | NIC |
Statistical Atlas | I 12.2: At 6 | TESC Maps Area |
Vital Statistics of Philadelphia and Boston |
I 12.2: B 65 | NIC |
Cereals, preliminary report | I 12.2: C 33 | NIC |
Compendium, 1892 | I 12.2: C 73/1 | NIC |
same, 1894 | I 12.2: C 73/2 | NIC |
same, 1897 | I 12.2: C 73/3 | NIC |
Vital Statistics of D.C. | I 12.2: D 63 | NIC |
Responsibility for Public Documents in D.C. |
I 12.2: D 71 | NIC |
Index to Bulletins 1-201 | I 12.2: In 2/1 | NIC |
Index to Bulletins 1-380 | I 12.2: In 2/2 | NIC |
Manufactures in Cities | I 12.2: M 31 | NIC |
Marble Quarrying | I 12.2: M 32 | NIC |
Vital Statistics of New York City and Brooklyn |
I 12.2: N 42 Y | NIC |
Occupations | I 12.2: Oc 1 | NIC |
Population by Color, Sex, Nativity with School, Militia And Voting Ages |
I 12.2: P 81/1 | NIC |
Population by Minor Civil Divisions | I 12.2: P 81/2 | NIC |
Social Characteristics of Cities | I 12.2: So 1 | NIC |
no.1 - 380 | I 12.3: | NIC |
none issued | I 12.4: | NIC |
Agriculture, Irrigation, Fisheries | I 12.5: 1 | NIC |
Alaska | I 12.5: 2 | NIC |
Churches | I 12.5: 3 | NIC |
Crime, Pauperism, & Benevolence, pt. 1 | I 12.5: 4 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 5 | NIC |
Farms and Homes | I 12.5: 6 | NIC |
Indians | I 12.5: 7 | NIC |
Insane, Feeble-Minded, Deaf & Dumb and Blind |
I 12.5: 8 | NIC |
Insurance Business, pt.1 | I 12.5: 9 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 10 | NIC |
Manufacturing Industries, pt.1 | I 12.5: 11 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 12 | NIC |
same, pt.3 | I 12.5: 13 | NIC |
Mineral Industries | I 12.5: 14 | NIC |
Population, pt.1 | I 12.5: 15 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 16 | NIC |
Real Estate Mortgages | I 12.5: 17 | NIC |
Transportation, pt.1 | I 12.5: 18 | TESC GovDocs Stacks |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 19 | TESC GovDocs Stacks |
Vital & Social Statistics, pt.1 | I 12.5: 20 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 21 | NIC |
same, pt.3 | I 12.5: 22 | NIC |
same, pt.4 | I 12.5: 23 | NIC |
Welath & Debt, pt.1 | I 12.5: 24 | NIC |
same, pt.2 | I 12.5: 25 | NIC |
Education in the U.S. | I 12.5/a: Ed 8 | NIC |
(no.1-99) | I 12.6: | NIC |
Indian Territory: Five Civilized Nations | I 12.7: In 2/1 | NIC |
Indians: Six Nations of New York | I 12.7: In 2/2 | NIC |
Indians: Eastern Band of Cherokees of North Carolina | I 12.7: In 2/3 | NIC |
Indians: Moqui Pueblo Indians of Arizona and Pueblo Indians of New Mexico |
I 12.7: In 2/4 | NIC |
*NIC: Not in Collection
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000