2010 Census Information: 23rd Census
Last update: August 21, 20071900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000
American Factfinder | Statistical Abstract of the United States
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
American Community Survey: A Handbook for State and Local Officials | C 3.2:Am 3/25x | Eastern Oregon University |
Meeting 21st Century Demographic Data Needs: Implementing the American Community Survey |
C 3.2:C 23 C 3.2:C 23/2002 C 3.2:C 23/2003 C 3.2:C 23/2004 |
Washington State Library |
Designing P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data for the Year 2010 Census: The View from the States | C 3.2:V 67/2 | TESC Government Documents |
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
Projections of the Number of Households and Families in the United States: 1995 to 2010 | C 3.186/15:P 25-1129 | Southern Oregon University |
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
Methodology and Assumptions for the Population Projections of the United States: 1999-2010 (typographical error on the cover of the title says: 1999 - 2100 but should be: 1999 - 2010) | C 3.223/27: 38 | TESC Gov Docs Microfiche |
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
Income, Earnings, and Poverty Data from the 2005 American Community Survey (.pdf) | C 3.297:ACS-02 | Washington State Library |
Document: | SuDocs Call no.: | Location: |
The American Community Survey: The Challenges of Eliminating the Long Form from the 2010 Census: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations,and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, 108th Congress, 1st session, May 13, 2003 |
Y 4.G 74/7:C 33/34 | TESC Government Documents |
Halfway to the 2010 Census: The Countdown and Components to a Successful Decennial Census: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Federalism and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, 109th Congress, 1st session, April 19, 2005 |
Y 4.G 74/7:C 33/35 | TESC Government Docouments |
Apportionment in the Balance: A Look into the Progress of the 2010 Decennial Census | Y 4.G 74/7:D 34/3 | TESC Government Documents |
Lessons Learned from the 2004 Overseas Census Test: Hearing before the Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations, and the Census of the Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, 108th Congress, 2nd session, September 14, 2004 (.pdf) |
Y 4.G 74/7:L 56/6 | TESC Government Documents |
*NIC: Not in Collection
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000