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1960 Census Information: 18th Census

Last update: July 14, 2006

1790 | 1800 |1810 | 1820 |1830 | 1840 |1850 | 1860 |1870 | 1880 |1890
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000

Related Resources:
1960 Census Database | 1960 Census History
Statistical Abstract of the United States

Census Monographs
SuDocs Call no.:
Education of the American Population C 3.30: Ed 8 NIC
Income Distribution in the United States C 3.30: In 2 TESC Government Documents
-- C 3.30: NIC
TESC Government Documents
Changing Characteristics of the Negro Population C 3.30: N 31 NIC
TESC Government Documents
People of Rural America C 3.30: R 88 NIC
TESC Government Documents
TESC Government Documents

GE-50 United States Maps
see also: C 56.242:
SuDocs Call no.:
Population Distribution, Urban and Rural in the United States, 1960 C 56.242: 1 TESC Government Documents
Housing Owned and Rented in Standard Metropolitan Statistical
Areas in the United States, 1960
C 3.62/4: 5 TESC Government Documents
Older Americans in the United States by Counties, 1960 C 3.62/4: 7 TESC Government Documents
American Indians in the United States, 1960 C 3.62/4: 14 NIC
Japanese and Chinese in the United States, 1960 C 3.62/4: 15 NIC
Negro Population as Percent of Total Population:
By Counties in the United States, 1960
C 3.62/4: 16 NIC
C 3.62/4: NIC
Families in Poverty Areas for Selected Cities of the United States: 1960 C 3.62/4: 24 NIC

Current Industrial Reports
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.158: NIC
-- C 3.158: NIC
-- C 3.158: NIC
-- C 3.158: NIC
M22L, Tufted Textile Products C 3.158: M 22 L

Facts for Industry. M22L, Tufted Textile Products
C 3.158: M 22 T

-- C 3.158: NIC
M22T Supplement, Broad Woven Goods,
Summary of Looms in Place
C 3.158: M 22 T (sup.)

Facts for Industry. M22T supplement, Broad Woven Goods,
Summary of Looms in Place
C 3.158: M 22 T

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ-22T supplement,
Broadwoven Goods, Summary of Looms in Place
C 3.158: MQ 22 T

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ-313T
Broadwoven Fabrics
electronic resource
published till: December 2004

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ-313A
electronic resource
published: 2005 - Present
-- C 3.158: NIC
-- C 3.158: NIC
M28D, Superphosphate and Other Phosphatic
Fertilizer Materials published: 1959 - 1968
C 3.158: M 28 D

Facts for Industry. M28D, Superphosphate and
Other Phosphatic Phosphatic Fertilizer Materials
C 3.158: M 28 D

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. M-28B
Inorganic Fertilizer Materials and Related Products
C 3.158: M 28 B
published till: April 1990

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. M28B, Fertilizer Materials
C 3.158:M 28 B
published: May - December 1990

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ28B, Fertilizer Materials
C 3.158:MQ 28 B
published: 1st quarter 1991 - 4th quarter 1992

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ325B, Fertilizer and Related Chemicals
electronic resource
M32C, Refractories
published: 1959 (4th quarter) - summary 1967
C 3.158: M 32 C

Facts for Industry. M32C, Refractories
C 3.158: M 32 C
published: 1957 - 1959

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ-32C
C 3.158: MQ 32 C
Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MA327C, Refractories
electronic resource (2002 - Present)
M35A, Farm Machines and Equipment
published: 1959 (4th quarter) - 1967 (4th quarter)
C 3.158: M 35 A

Facts for Industry. M35A, Farm Machines and Equipment
C 3.158: M 35 A

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MQ-35A
Farm Machines and Equipment
C 3.158: MQ-35 A
published: 1968 -

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MA-35A
Farm Machines and Equipment
C 3.158: MA-35 A
published: 1965 - 1974
Nos. 71-1 (1971) through 74-1 (1974) were classified C 56.216: MA-35A when the
Census Bureau was subordiante to the Social and Economic Statistics Administration

Continued by:
Current Industrial Reports. MA333A
Farm Machinery and Lawn and Garden Equipment
electronic resource (2002 - Present)

Current Population Reports
see also: C 56.218:
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: *NIC

Current Population Reports, P-20 Series
Population Characteristics
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-20 NIC
Changes in the Average Number of Children Ever Born
to Women: 1960 to 1969
(advance data, January 1969 survey)
C 3.186: P-20/178 NIC

Current Population Reports, P-23 Series
Special Studies
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas in the United States as
Defined on May 1, 1967, with Population in 1960 and 1950
C 3.186: P-23/23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
Trends in Social and Economic Conditions in Metropolitan Areas C 3.186: P-23/27 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-23 NIC

Population Estimates, P-25 Series
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
C 3.186: P-25// NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-25/ NIC
Estimates of the Negro Population of the United States,
by Age and Sex : July 1, 1960 to 1966
C 3.186: P-25/367 NIC

Current Population Reports, P-28 Series
Special Censuses
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-28/ NIC
Summary of Special Censuses Conducted by the Bureau of the Census
Between January 1 and December 31, 1966:
(with cumulative summary of special censuses taken since April 1, 1960)
C 3.186: P-28/1447 NIC
Summary of Special Censuses Conducted by the Bureau of the Census
Between January 1 and December 31, 1967:
(with cumulative summary of special censuses taken since April l, 1960)
C 3.186: P-28/1466 NIC
Summary of Special Censuses Conducted by the Bureau of the Census
between January 1 and December 31, 1968:
(with Cumulative Summary of Special censuses Taken Since April 1, 1960)
C 3.186: P-28/1488 NIC

Current Population Reports, P-60 Series
Consumer Income
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
-- C 3.186: P-60 NIC
Socioeconomic Trends in Poverty Areas, 1960 to 1968 C 3.186: P-60/67 NIC

Current Population Reports, P-65 Series
Consumer Buying Indicators
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
-- C 3.186: P-65/ NIC
Special Report on Household Ownership and Purchases of
Automobiles and Selected Household Durables 1960 to 1967
C 3.186: P-65/18 NIC

Area Measurement Reports
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.208/2: NIC

Technical Papers
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.212: NIC
Changes Between the 1950 and 1960 Occupation and Industry Classifications,
with Detailed Adjustments of 1950 Data to the 1960 Classifications
C 3.212: 18 NIC
The Current Population Survey Reinterview Program, January 1961 through December 1966

Updates Technical Paper 6, and Covers the Period 1960 through 1966
C 3.212: 19 NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC
Characteristics of America's engineers and scientists: 1960 and 1962; the postcensal survey C 3.212: 21 NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC
-- C 3.212: NIC

General Publications
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
Availability of Published and Unpublished Data:
U.S. Census of Housing, 1960
C 3.223: D 26/2 *NIC
Availability of Published and Unpublished Data:
U.S. Census of Population, 1960
C 3.223: D 26/964 *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
1/1,000-1/10,000 Sample Description and Technical Documentation C 3.223: P 81/suppl.1 *NIC
1/1,000-1/10,000 Sample Description and Technical Documentation: Supplement 2 C 3.223: P 81/suppl.2 *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC
-- C 3.223: *NIC

Number of Inhabitants by State (Final Reports)
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.223/5: *NIC
-- C 3.223/5: *NIC
Washington State C 3.223/5: 960/PC-1-49 A TESC Government Documents

General Population Characteristics by State (Final Reports)
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.223/6: *NIC
-- C 3.223/6: *NIC
General Population characteristics, Washington: Data on Age, Race,
Household Relationship, Sex, Marital Status
C 3.223/6: 960-49 B TESC Government Documents

General, Social, and Economic Characteristics by State (Final Reports)
SuDocs Call no.:
-- C 3.223/7: *NIC
-- C 3.223/7: *NIC
General, Social, and Economic Characteristics. Washington:
Data on Ethnic Origin, Migration, Families, Income, Education, Employment, etc.
C 3.223/7: 960/PC-1-49 C TESC Government Documents

Census of Population -- Final Volumes
SuDocs Call no.:
v.1: Characteristics of the Population
United States Summary, part 1 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.1 NIC
Alabama, part 2 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.2 NIC
Alaska, part 3 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.3 NIC
Arizona, part 4 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.4 NIC
Arkansas, part 5 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.5 NIC
California, part 6 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.6 NIC
Colorado, part 7 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.7 NIC
Connecticut, part 8 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.8 NIC
Delaware, part 9 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.9 NIC
District of Columbia, part 10 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.10 NIC
Florida, part 11 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.11 NIC
Georgia, part 12 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.12 NIC
Hawaii, part 13 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.13 NIC
Idaho, part 14 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.14 NIC
Illinois, part 15 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.15 NIC
Indiana, part 16 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.16 NIC
Iowa, part 17 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.17 NIC
Kansas, part 18 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.18 NIC
Kentucky, part 19 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.19 NIC
Louisiana, part 20 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.20 NIC
Maine, part 21 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.21 NIC
Maryland, part 22 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.22 NIC
Massachusetts, part 23 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.23 NIC
Michigan, part 24 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.24 NIC
Minnesota, part 25 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.25 NIC
Mississippi, pt. 26 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.26 NIC
Missouri, part 27 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.27 NIC
Montana, part 28 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.28 NIC
Nebraska, part 29 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.29 NIC
Nevada, part 30 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.30 NIC
New Hampshire, part 31 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.31 NIC
New Jersey, part 32 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.32 NIC
New Mexico, part 33 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.33 NIC
New York, part 34 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.34 NIC
North Carolina, part 35 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.35 NIC
North Dakota, part 36 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.36 NIC
Ohio, part 37 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.37 NIC
Oklahoma, part 38 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.38 NIC
Oregon, part 39 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.39 NIC
Pennsylvania, part 40 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.40 NIC
Rhode Island, part 41 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.41 NIC
South Carolina, part 42 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.42 NIC
South Dakota, part 43 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.43 NIC
Tennessee, part 44 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.44 NIC
Texas, part 45 C 3.223/9: 960/pt. NIC
Utah, part 46 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.46 NIC
Vermont, part 47 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.47 NIC
Virginia, part 48 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.48 NIC
Washington, part 49 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.49 NIC
West Virginia, part 50 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.50 NIC
Wisconsin, part 51 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.51 NIC
Wyoming, part 52 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.52 NIC
Puerto Rico, part 53 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.53 NIC
Outlying Areas, parts 54 - 57 C 3.223/9: 960/pt.54-57 NIC

*NIC: Not in Collection

Census of Population -- Subject Reports (series PC-2)
SuDocs Call no.:
Nativity and Parentage: Social and Economic Characteristics of the Foreign Stock by Country of Origin
C 3.223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 1a NIC
Persons of Spanish Surname: Social and Economic Data for White Persons of Spanish Surname in Five Southwestern States C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 1b NIC
Nonwhite Population by Race: Social and Economic Data Statistics for Negroes, Indians, Japanese, Chinese and Filipinos C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 1c NIC
Puerto Ricans in the United States: Social and Economic Data for Persons of Puerto Rican Birth and Parentage C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 1d NIC
Mother Tongue of the Foreign Born: Selected Characteristics of Foreign Born by Language Spoken Before Coming to U.S. C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 1e NIC
State of Birth: State of Residence in 1960 and State of Birth of the Native Population by Age, Color and Sex C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 2a NIC
Mobility for States and State Economic Areas C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 2b NIC
Mobility for Metropolitan Areas: Population Movement within SMSA's and Migration to and from SMSA's C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 2c NIC
Lifetime and Recent Migration: State of Residence in 1960 by Geographic Division of Birth and of Residence in 1955 C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 2d NIC
Migration Between State Economic Areas: Residence in 1960 by Residence in 1955 for State Economic Areas and Economic Subregions C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 2e NIC
Women by Number of Children Ever Born: Fertility of Women by Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 3a NIC
Childspacing: Spacing of Successive Births to Women, by Age, Duration of Marriage, and Other Characteristics C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 3b NIC
Women by Children Under 5 years old: Current Fertility by Social and Economic Characteristics of Women and their Families C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 3c NIC
Families: National and Regional Statistics on Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics of families, by Type C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 4a NIC
Persons by Family Characteristics: Family Members by Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics of their Families C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 4b NIC
Sources and Structure of Family Income: Income in 1959 of Families and Individuals, by Source, Number of Earners in Family, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 4c NIC
Age at First Marriage: Data on Duration of Marriage, Times Married, Difference in Age between Husband and Wife, Ethnic Origin, Education, Earnings, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 4d NIC
Marital Status: Education, Race, Parentage, Occupation, Earnings, etc., of Individuals and of Husband and Wife in Married Couples C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 4e NIC
School Enrollment: Personal and Family Characteristics of Persons Enrolled in School or College and of Persons Not Enrolled C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 5a NIC
Educational Attainment: Data on Years of School Completed by Age, Ethnic Origin, Occupation, Income, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 5b NIC
Socioeconomic Status: Socioeconomic Measures by Age, Race, Nativity, Marital Status, Fertility, Income, Housing, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 5c NIC
Employment Status and Work Experience: Statistics on the Relation between Employment and Social and Economic Characteristics C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 6a NIC
Journey to Work: Commutation Streams and Social and Economic Characteristics of Commuters in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 6b NIC
Labor Reserve: Age, Education, Occupation, and other Characteristics of Former Members of the Labor Force C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 6c NIC
Occupational Characteristics: Data on Age, Race, Education, Work Experience, Income, etc. for the Workers in Each Occupation C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 7a NIC
Occupation by Earnings and Education: Statistics for Men 18-64 Years Old, by Color, in Selected Occupations C 3. 223/10: 960/Vol. 2/Pt. 7b NIC
Occupation by Industry: Detailed Statistics on Occupation by Industry for the United States C 3. 223/10: 960/vol.2/pt.7c NIC
Characteristics of Teachers: National and Regional Data on Age, Earnings, Education, Marital Status, Race, etc., for Teachers, by Level of School C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.7d NIC
Characteristics of Professional Workers: Statistics on Race, Hours Worked, Income, Weeks Worked, Occupation of Spouse, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.7e NIC
Industrial Characteristics: Industrial Affiliation of Workers by Age, Race, Class of Worker, Weeks Worked, Income, etc. C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.7f NIC
Inmates of Institutions: Social and Economic Data for Inmates by Area and Type of Institution C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.8a NIC
Income of the Elderly Population: Personal and Family Statistics for Persons 65 Years Old and Over C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.8b NIC
Veterans: Selected Social and Economic Data for Former Members of the Armed Forces C 3. 223/10: 960/v.2/pt.8c NIC
State Economic Areas: Data on Social and Economic Characteristics of the Population in Each of the 509 SEA's in the U.S. C 3. 223/10: 960/v.3/pt.1a NIC
Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas: Social and Economic Data for Persons in SMSA's by Residence Inside or Outside Central City C 3. 223/10: 960/v.3/pt.1d NIC

Census of Population & Housing
Census Tract Reports, PHC(1)-1- Series
SuDocs Call no.:
Abilene, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.1 NIC
Akron, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.2 NIC
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY C 3.223/11: 960/no.3 NIC
Map, Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY C 3.223/11: 960/no.3/map NIC
Albuquerque, NM C 3.223/11: 960/no.4 NIC
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ C 3.223/11: 960/no.5 NIC
Altoona, PA C 3.223/11: 960/no.6 NIC
Ann Arbor, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.7 NIC
Map, Ann Arbor, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.7/map NIC
Atlanta, GA C 3.223/11: 960/no.8 NIC
Map, Atlanta, GA C 3.223/11: 960/no.8/map NIC
Atlantic City, NJ C 3.223/11: 960/no.9 NIC
Augusta, GA-SC C 3.223/11: 960/no.10 NIC
Austin, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.11 NIC
Bakersfield, CA C 3.223/11: 960/no.12 NIC
Baltimore, MD C 3.223/11: 960/no.13 NIC
Maps, Baltimore, MD C 3.223/11: 960/no.13/maps NIC
Baton Rouge, LA C 3.223/11: 960/no.14 NIC
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.15 NIC
Binghamton, NY C 3.223/11: 960/no.16 NIC
Birmingham, AL C 3.223/11: 960/no.17 NIC
Boston, MA C 3.223/11: 960/no.18 NIC
Maps, Boston, MA C 3.223/11: 960/no.18/maps NIC
Bridgeport, CT C 3.223/11: 960/no.19 NIC
Brockton, MA C 3.223/11: 960/no.20 NIC
Buffalo, NY C 3.223/11: 960/no.21 NIC
Maps, Buffalo, NY C 3.223/11: 960/no.21/maps NIC
Canton, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.22 NIC
Charleston, SC C 3.223/11: 960/no.23 NIC
Charlotte, NC C 3.223/11: 960/no.24 NIC
Chattanooga, TN-GA C 3.223/11: 960/no.25 NIC
Chicago, IL C 3.223/11: 960/no.26 NIC
Maps, Chicago, IL C 3.223/11: 960/no.26/maps NIC
Cincinnati, OH-KY C 3.223/11: 960/no.27 NIC
Maps, Cincinnati, OH-KY C 3.223/11: 960/no.27/maps NIC
Cleveland, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.28 NIC
Maps, Cleveland, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.28/maps NIC
Colorado Springs, CO C 3.223/11: 960/no.29 NIC
Maps, Colorado Springs, CO C 3.223/11: 960/no.29/maps NIC
Columbia, SC C 3.223/11: 960/no.30 NIC
Columbus, GA-AL C 3.223/11: 960/no.31 NIC
Columbus, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.32 NIC
Maps, Columbus, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.32/maps NIC
Corpus Christi, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.33 NIC
Dallas, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.34 NIC
Maps, Dallas, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.34/maps NIC
Davenport-Rock Island-Moline, IA-IL C 3.223/11: 960/no.35 NIC
Dayton, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.36 NIC
Decatur, IL C 3.223/11: 960/no.37 NIC
Denver, CO C 3.223/11: 960/no.38 NIC
Maps, Denver, CO C 3.223/11: 960/no.38/maps NIC
Des Moines, IA C 3.223/11: 960/no.39 NIC
Detroit, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.40 NIC
Maps, Detroit, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.40/maps NIC
Duluth-Superior, MI-WI C 3.223/11: 960/no.41 NIC
Durham, NC C 3.223/11: 960/no.42 NIC
El Paso, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.43 NIC
Erie, PA C 3.223/11: 960/no.44 NIC
Evansville, IN-KY C 3.223/11: 960/no.45 NIC
Fall River, MA-RI C 3.223/11: 960/no.46 NIC
Flint, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.47 NIC
Fort Smith, AR C 3.223/11: 960/no.48 NIC
Fort Wayne, IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.49 NIC
Fort Worth, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.50 NIC
Maps, Fort Worth, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.50/maps NIC
Fresno, CA C 3.223/11: 960/no.51 NIC
Gadsden, AL C 3.223/11: 960/no.52 NIC
Galveston-Texas City, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.53 NIC
Galveston-Texas City, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.53/maps NIC
Gary-Hammond-East Chicago, IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.54 NIC
Grand Rapids, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.55 NIC
Green Bay, WI C 3.223/11: 960/no.56 NIC
Greensboro-High Point, NC C 3.223/11: 960/no.57 NIC
Greenville, SC C 3.223/11: 960/no.58 NIC
Hamilton-Middletown, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.59 NIC
Harrisburg, PA C 3.223/11: 960/no.60 NIC
Hartford, CT C 3.223/11: 960/no.61 NIC
Honolullu, HI C 3.223/11: 960/no.62 NIC
Houston, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.63 NIC
Indianapolis, IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.64 NIC
Jackson, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.65 NIC
Jacksonville, FL C 3.223/11: 960/no.66 NIC
Jersey City, NJ C 3.223/11: 960/no.67 NIC
Maps, Jersey City, NJ C 3.223/11: 960/no.67/maps NIC
Johnstown, PA C 3.223/11: 960/no.68 NIC
Kalamazoo, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.69 NIC
Kansas City, MO-KS C 3.223/11: 960/no.70 NIC
Maps, Kansas City, MO-KS C 3.223/11: 960/no.70/maps NIC
Knoxville, TN C 3.223/11: 960/no.71 NIC
Lancaster, PA C 3.223/11: 960/no.72 NIC
Lansing, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.73 NIC
Laredo, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.74 NIC
Las Vegas, NV C 3.223/11: 960/no.75 NIC
Lawrence-Haverhill, MA-NH C 3.223/11: 960/no.76 NIC
Lexington, KY C 3.223/11: 960/no.77 NIC
Lima, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.78 NIC
Lincoln, NE C 3.223/11: 960/no.79 NIC
Little Rock-North Little Rock C 3.223/11: 960/no.80 NIC
Lorain-Elyria, OH C 3.223/11: 960/no.81 NIC
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA C 3.223/11: 960/no.82 NIC
Maps, Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA C 3.223/11: 960/no.82/maps NIC
Louisville, KY-IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.83 NIC
Maps, Louisville, KY-IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.83/maps NIC
Lowell, MA C 3.223/11: 960/no.84 NIC
Lubbock, TX C 3.223/11: 960/no.85 NIC
Macon, GA C 3.223/11: 960/no.86 NIC
Madison, WI C 3.223/11: 960/no.87 NIC
Manchester, NH C 3.223/11: 960/no.88 NIC
Memphis, TN C 3.223/11: 960/no.89 NIC
Miami, FL C 3.223/11: 960/no.90 NIC
Maps, Miami, FL C 3.223/11: 960/no.90/maps NIC
Middlesex County, NJ C 3.223/11: 960/no.91 NIC
Milwaukee, WI C 3.223/11: 960/no.92 NIC
Maps, Milwaukee, WI C 3.223/11: 960/no.92/maps NIC
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN C 3.223/11: 960/no.93 NIC
Maps, Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN C 3.223/11: 960/no.93/maps NIC
Mobile, AL C 3.223/11: 960/no.94 NIC
Monroe, LA C 3.223/11: 960/no.95 NIC
Montgomery, AL C 3.223/11: 960/no.96 NIC
Muncie, IN C 3.223/11: 960/no.97 NIC
Muskegon-Muskegon Heights, MI C 3.223/11: 960/no.98 NIC
Nashville, TN C 3.223/11: 960/no.99 NIC
New Bedford, MA C 3.223/11: 960/no.100 NIC
C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
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C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC
-- C 3.223/11: 960/no. NIC

Census of Population Supplementary Reports, PC(S1) Series
SuDocs Call no.:
Age of the Foreign Stock by Country of Origin: 1960 C 3.223/12: 960/47 NIC
Labor Reserve C 3.223/12: 960/50 NIC
Marital Status and Age of First Marriage: 1960 C 3.223/12: 960/51 NIC
Poverty Areas in the 100 Largest Metropolitan Areas C 3.223/12: 960/54 NIC
Population Characteristics of Selected Ethnic Groups in the
Five Southwestern States; 1960 Census of Population
C 3.223/12: 960/55 NIC

Census of Population and Housing: Block Statistics, HC(3) Series
SuDocs Call no.:
U.S. census of Housing, 1960. City Blocks: Seattle, Washington C 3.224/5: 960/no.405 *NIC
-- C 3.224/5: *NIC

Components of Inventory Change, HC(4) Series
SuDocs Call no.:
U.S. Census of Housing, 1960. Components of Inventory Change. Part 2,
1957-1959 Components. Seattle, Washington, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Srea
C 3.224/6: 960/v.4/pt.2-10 *NIC
-- C 3.224/6: *NIC

Census of Housing -- Final Volumes
SuDocs Call no.:
v.1: States & Small Areas
United States Summary, v.1 part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.1 NIC
Alabama - Connecticut, v.1 pt.2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.2 NIC
Delaware - Indiana, v.1 pt. 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.3 NIC
Iowa - Massachusetts, v.1 pt.4 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.4 NIC
Michigan - New Hampshire, v.1 part 5 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.5 NIC
New Jersey - Ohio, v.1 part 6 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.6 NIC
Oklahoma - Tennessee, v.1 part 7 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.7 NIC
Texas - Wyoming, v.1 part 8 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.8 NIC
Outlying Areas, v.1 part 9 C 3.224/9: 960/v.1/pt.9 NIC
v.2: Metropolitan Housing
United States and Divisions, v.2 part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.1 NIC
Parts 2 - 7: Standard Metropolitan Areas
v.2 part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.2 NIC
v.2 part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.3 NIC
v.2 part 4 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.4 NIC
v.2 part 5 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.5 NIC
v.2 part 6 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.6 NIC
v.2 part 7 C 3.224/9: 960/v.2/pt.7 NIC
v.3: City Blocks
Alabama - Arkansas C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/AL-AR NIC
Alabama Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/AL/maps NIC
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/ AK,AZ,AR/maps NIC
California, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/pt.1 NIC
California, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/pt.2 NIC
California, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/pt.3 NIC
California Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/maps/1 NIC
California Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/maps/2 NIC
California Maps, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/maps/3 NIC
California Maps, part 4 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CA/maps/4 NIC
Colorado - District of Columbia C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CO-DC NIC
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C. Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/CO,CT,DE,DC/maps NIC
Florida - Georgia C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/FL-GA NIC
Florida Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/FL/maps NIC
Georgia Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/GA/maps NIC
Hawaii - Illinois C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/HI-IL NIC
Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/HI,ID,IL/maps NIC
Indiana - Iowa C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/IN-IA NIC
Indiana, Iowa Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/IN,IA/maps NIC
Kansas - Maryland C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/KS-MD NIC
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.KS,KY,LA,ME,MD/maps NIC
Massachusetts C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MA NIC
Massachusetts Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MA/maps/1 NIC
Massachusetts Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/maps/2 NIC
Massachusetts Maps, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MA/maps/3 NIC
Michigan - Minnesota C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MI-MN NIC
Michigan Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MI/maps NIC
Missouri - Nebraska C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/M0-NE NIC
Missouri, Montana, Nebraska Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.MO,MT,NE/maps NIC
Mississippi C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MS NIC
Mississippi Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/MS/maps NIC
Nevada - New Mexico C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NV-NM NIC
Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NV,NH,NJ,NM/maps NIC
New York, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/pt.1 NIC
New York, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/pt.2 NIC
New York, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/pt.3 NIC
New York Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/maps/1 NIC
New York Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/maps/2 NIC
New York Maps, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NY/maps/3 NIC
North Carolina C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NC NIC
North Carolina Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/NC/maps NIC
Ohio C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/OH NIC
Ohio Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/OH/maps/1 NIC
Ohio Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/OH/maps/2 NIC
Oklahoma - Oregon C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/OK-OR NIC
Oklahoma, Oregon Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/OK,OR/maps NIC
Pennsylvania C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/PA NIC
Pennsylvania Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/PA/maps/1 NIC
Pennsylvania Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/PA/maps/2 NIC
Pennsylvania Maps, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/PA/maps/3 NIC
Rhode Island - Tennessee C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/RI-TN NIC
Rhode Island, South Carolina Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/RI,SC/maps NIC
South Carolina, Tennessee Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/SC,TN/maps NIC
Texas, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/pt.1 NIC
Texas, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/pt.2 NIC
Texas Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/maps/1 NIC
Texas Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/maps/2 NIC
Texas Maps, part 3 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/maps/3 NIC
Texas, part 4 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/TX/maps/4 NIC
Utah - Washington C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/UT-WA NIC
Utah Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/UT/maps NIC
Virginia Maps, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/VA/maps/1 NIC
Virginia Maps, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/VA/maps/2 NIC
Washington Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/WA/maps NIC
West Virginia - Puerto Rico C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/WV-PR NIC
West Virginia, Wisconsin Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/WV,WI/maps NIC
Puerto Rico Maps C 3.224/9: 960/v.3/PR/maps NIC
v.4: Components of Inventory Change
part 1A -- 1950 - 1959 Components (18 reports) C 3.224/9: 960/v.4/pt.1A NIC
part 1B -- Inventory Characteristics (18 reports) C 3.224/9: 960/v.4/pt.1B NIC
part 2 -- 1957 - 1959 Components (10 reports) C 3.224/9: 960/v.4/pt.2 NIC
v.5: Residential Finance
Homeowner Properties, part 1 C 3.224/9: 960/v.5/pt.1 NIC
Rental and Vacant Properties, part 2 C 3.224/9: 960/v.5/pt.2 NIC
v.6: Rural Housing and Economic Subregions C 3.224/9: 960/v.6 NIC
v.7: Housing of Senior Citizens C 3.224/9: 960/v.7 NIC
  • volumes 1 - 4 issued as the Bureau's Series HC 1-4
  • volume 3 issued in 420 parts numbered 1 - 421; no. 148 was not published
  • L.C. set includes pt. 404 revised
  • Part of the maps are inserted
  • Errata slips inserted
Census of Housing
SuDocs Call no.:

Census of Housing
SuDocs Call no.:

Census of Population and Housing
SuDocs Call no.:
United States Censuses of Population and Housing, 1960:
Quality Control of the Field Enumeration
C 3. NIC

Census of Population
SuDocs Call no.:
Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Industries. 1960 Census of Population C 3. NIC
Socioeconomic Status: Socioeconomic Measures by Age,
Race, Nativity, Marital Status, Fertility, Income, Housing, etc

Subject Reports series: v.2 part 5C; Final report PC(2)-5C
C 3. NIC

Census of Population and Housing
ER 60 Series
SuDocs Call no.:
Evaluation and Research Program of the U.S. Censuses of
Population and Housing, 1960; Effects of Interviewers and Crew Leaders
C 3. : 7 NIC

U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior
National Atlas Series
SuDocs Call no.:
Population Distribution, Urban and Rural, 1960

1 map : col. ; 43 x 66 cm
Scale 1:7,500,000 ; Albers equal area proj. (E 170°--W 65°/N 72°--N 19°)

  • Relief shown by shading
  • "Adapted from U.S. Bureau of the Census, Population distribution, urban and rural, in the United States: 1960, GE-50, no. l ... 1963."
  • "242-243" in margin
  • Insets: Principal islands of Hawaii. Scale 1:7,500,000 --Alaska. Scale 1:17,000,000
I 19 NIC

1790 | 1800 |1810 | 1820 |1830 | 1840 |1850 | 1860 |1870 | 1880 |1890
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000

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