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1900 Census Information: 12th Census

Last update: March 26, 2008

1790 | 1800 |1810 | 1820 |1830 | 1840 |1850 | 1860 |1870 | 1880 |1890
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000

Related Resources:
1900 Census Database | 1900 Census History
Statistical Abstract of the United States

Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Annual Reports
1899 - 1902 I 13.1:
I 1.1:
General Publications
Abstract, 1902 I 13.2: Ab 8/1 NIC
same, 2nd ed., 1903 I 13.2: Ab 8/2 NIC
same, 3rd ed., 1904 I 13.2: Ab 8/3
C 3.2: Ab 8
Apportionment Tables I 13.2: Ap 6/1 NIC
History of Apportionment I 13.2: Ap 6/2 NIC
Statistical Atlas I 13.2: At 6 NIC
Census Act of 1899 I 13.2: C 33/1 NIC
same, with amendments I 13.2: C 33/2 NIC
Census of 1900 I 13.2: C 33/3 NIC
Chinese Consular Proclamation I 13.2: C 44/1 NIC
Table for Converting Chinese Dates of Birth I 13.2: C 44/2 NIC
Cotton Production I 13.2: C 82 NIC
Employees and Wages I 13.2: Em 7 NIC
Supervisors I 13.2: Su 7 NIC
Published at irregular intervals under the title Census Bulletins, they include the preliminary results of the 12th Census with exceptions of Bulletins nos. 58, 98, and 206 devoted to annual reports on statistics of cotton ginning in the United States. Numbers 1-3, of an administrative character, were not issued for general distribution.
(no.1-247) I 13.3: NIC
(no.1-39) I 13.4: NIC
Final Volumes
Population, pt.1, 1901 I 13.5: 1 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 1 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 1 NIC
Population, pt.2, 1902 I 13.5: 2 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 2 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 2 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 2 NIC
Vital Statistics, pt.1, 1902 I 13.5: 3 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 3 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 3 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 3 NIC
Vital Statistics, pt.2, 1902 I 13.5: 4 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 4 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 4 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 4 NIC
Agriculture, pt.1, 1902 I 13.5: 5 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 5 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 5 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 5 NIC
same, 5th ed. I 13.5: 5 NIC
Agriculture, pt.2, 1902 I 13.5: 6 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 6 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 6 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 6 NIC
same, 5th ed. I 13.5: 6 NIC
Manufactures, pt.1, 1902 I 13.5: 7 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 7 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 7 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 7 NIC
Manufactures, pt.2, 1902 I 13.5: 8 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 8 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 8 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 8 NIC
Manufactures, pt.3, 1902 I 13.5: 9 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 9 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 9 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 9 NIC
Manufactures, pt.4, 1902 I 13.5: 10 NIC
same, 2nd ed. I 13.5: 10 NIC
same, 3rd ed. I 13.5: 10 NIC
same, 4th ed. I 13.5: 10 NIC
Final Volumes (Separates)
Various titles I 13.5/a: NIC
Special Bulletins (Preliminary Statistics)
(no.1-3) I 13.6: NIC
Manufactures, City of York, Pennsylvania I 13.6: 1 NIC
Manufactures: District of Columbia I 13.6: 2 NIC
Distribution of the Chinese and Japanese Population in Western States and Territories by Counties, 1880 - 1900 I 13.6: 3 NIC
Miscellaneous Publications, Rules, Regulations
and Instructions, etc.
(form numbers) I 13.7: NIC

Publications Published when the Census Bureau Became a Permanent Office within the
U.S. Department of the Interior (July 1902 - July 1903)
Annual Reports
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
1903 I 14.1: 903
I 1.1:
Later: C 3.1:
General Publications
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Act of March 6, 1902 Providing for Establishment of Permanent
Census Office with Amendatory Acts and Provisions of Other Acts
Relating to Census Office. (1902)
I 14.2: Ac 8 NIC
Manual of International Classification of Causes of Death.
Adopted by United States Census Office for Compilation of
Mortality Statistics for Use Beginning with Year 1900. (1902)
I 14.2: D 34 NIC
Medical Education in Vital Statistics: Instruction of Medical
Students in Registration Methods, Uses of Registration Data,
Duties and Obligations of Physicians. (1903)
I 14.2: M 46 NIC
Cooperation and Unification in Federal and State Statistical Work:
Paper Read at 19th Annual Convention of Commissioners of State
Labor Bureaus, Washington D.C., April 28, 1903 by
Simon Newton Dexter North
(with Federal and State Statistical Laws and Reports). (1903)
I 14.2: N 81 NIC
Relation of Physicians to Mortality Statistics: International
Classification of Causes of Death as Adopted by United States
Census Office and Approved by American Public Health Association. (1903)
I 14.2: P 56 NIC
Legislative Requirements for Registration of Vital Statistics,
Necessity for Uniform Laws, Methods and Forms; Resolutions of
Congress and American Public Health Association with Specimen
Form of Law for Registration of Deaths. (1903)
I 14.2: R 26/1 NIC
Registration of Deaths, Practical Methods to Secure Complete Returns,
Standard Certificate of Death, Suggestions as to its Use and Treatment,
Forms of Permanent Records, Information for Local Registrars. (1903)
I 14.2: R 26/2 NIC
same, with alterations on pg. 29 I 14.2: R 26/3

C 3.2: R 26/1
C 3.2: R 26/2
C 3.2: R 26/3
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos. 1-4) I 14.3:
Later: C 3.3:
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos.) -- none issued I 14.4: NIC
Special Bulletins
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos.1-2) -- (no.1 not issued) I 14.5: NIC

Titles About the 12th Census That Were Published After July 1903 When the U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor Split into the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Labor
General Publications
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
A Century of Population Growth from the First Census
of the United States to the Twelfth, 1790 - 1900
C 3.2: P 81 TESC Government Documents
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Mineral Industries of Porto Rico
(Bulletin 6)
C 3.3: 6 NIC
Special Reports
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Supplementary Analysis and Derivative Tables:
Twelfth Census of the United States, 1900
C 3.5: An 1 TESC Government Documents
Mines and Quarries, 1902 C 3.5: M 66 NIC
Occupations at the Twelfth Census C 3.5: Oc 1 NIC
Statistics of Women at Work Based on Unpublished
Information Derived from the Schedules of the
Twelfth Census, 1900
C 3.5: W 84 NIC

Titles of the Census Office That Were Published After July 1903 Other Than Twelfth Census Publications and Before 1910
Annual Reports
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
1904 - 1909 C 3.1: date
C 1.1:

See also:
C 3.2: P 42
General Publications
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
American Census Taking from 1st Census of United States by
William R. Merriam with Plans for Future Census Work by
George B. Cortelyou and Summary of Census Publications,
1790 - 1900. (1904)
(Paper by Merriam from Century Magazine, April 1903)
[Paper by Cortelyou from 1st annual report
of U.S. Department of Commerce and Labor (C 3.1:)]
C 3.2: C 33 NIC
Collaboration in Federal and State Statistical Work:
Report of Permanent Committee on Uniformity of Schedule
and Cooperative Work in Census of Manufactures of 1905,
20th Annual Convention of Commissioners of State Labor
Bureaus, Concord, NH, July 12, 1904. (1904)
C 3.2: C 68 NIC
Shall Cotton-ginning Reports be Stopped?: Question for the
South to Decide. Letter from Director North and Interview
with Congressman Burleson; from Washington Post,
December 30, 1904. (1904)
C 3.2: C 82 NIC
Statistical Treatment of Causes of Death , Cooperative Work
Relative to Treatment of Jointly Returned Causes and Revision
of International Classification, Plan Proposed by Committee on
Demography of American Public Health Association. (1903)
C 3.2: D 34/1 NIC
Modes of Statement of Cause of Death and Duration of Illness
Upon Certificates of Death, Comparison of Forms Now in Use
in United States and Other Countries and Suggestion of
Modification of Standard Certificate of Death in Order to
Secure Uniform and Definite Statements of Causes of Death,
Check List of Registration Officals, Reports, and Bulletins. (1907)
C 3.2: D 34/2 NIC
Production of Lumber, Lath, and Shingles, 1907. (1908)
(Prepared in cooperation with Forest Service)
C 3.2: L 97 NIC
Mortality Statistics, 1905, 6th Annual Report with Revised Rates
for Intercensal Years 1901 - 1904 and for Quinquennial Period
1900 - 1904 Based Upon State Censuses of 1905. (1907)
C 3.2: M 84/1

Earlier Reports:
C 3.5: M 84
same, 1906, 7th Annual Report (1908) C 3.2: M 84/2 NIC
same, 1907, 8th Annual Report (1909) C 3.2: M 84/3 NIC
same, 1908, 9th Annual Report (1910) C 3.2: M 84/4 NIC
Officers and Employees of Department of Commerce
and Labor, May 1, 1908. (1908)
C 3.2: Of 2 NIC
Extension of Registration Area for Births and Deaths,
Practical Example of Cooperative Census Methods as
Applied to Pennsylvania (1906)
C 3.2: P 38 NIC
Report of Director Concerning Administration of
Permanent Bureau, July 1 - October 28, 1903. (1903)
C 3.2: P 42 NIC
Estimated True Value of Property, 1900 and 1904. (1906) C 3.2: P 94 NIC
Public Debt of United States, 1870, 1880, 1890 and 1902. (1906) C 3.2: P 96 NIC
Registration of Births and Deaths, Drafts of Laws and Forms
of Certificates, Information for Local Officers, 1st edition (1904)
C 3.2: R 26/1 NIC
same, 2nd edition C 3.2: R 26/2 NIC
Legal Importance of Registration of Births and Deaths with
Report of Special Committee on Vital and Penal Statistics
to Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. (1908)
C 3.2: R 26/3 NIC
Census Office and Coordination of Statistics, Reply of
Director of Census to Inquiries of Interdepartmental
Statistical Committee, Janurary 8, 1909
C 3.2: St 2 NIC
Important Points on U.S. Census (Preparing Public to
Give Correct Answers in 13th Census, 1910). (1909)
C 3.2: T 34 NIC
Tuberculosis in United States by Cressy L. Wilbur, 1908.
Prepared for International Congress on Tuberculosis,
Washington DC, September 21 - October 12, 1908.
[Printed also as Appendix 2 of Mortality Statistics, 1907.
(C 3.2: M 84/3)]
C 3.2: T 79 NIC
Uniform Municipal Accounting Minutes of 1st Conference
Held in Washington DC, November 19 - 20, 1903 under
Auspices of Bureau of Census. (1904)
C 3.2: Un 3/1 NIC
same, Proceedings of 2nd Conference, Washington DC,
February 13 - 14, 1906. (1906)
C 3.2: Un 3/2 NIC
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos.1-4) I 14.3: 1
I 14.3: 2
I 14.3: 3
I 14.3: 4
(nos.5-95) C 3.3: nos. NIC
(no.96) C 3.3: 96
See also:
La 1.5:1
C 3.5: M 34/1
C 3.5: M 34/2
(no.97) C 3.3: 97 NIC
same, revised edition
Note: The original edition of Bulletin 98 bears on page 17 the
signature mark "81809-09-3" and the revised edition "22900-10-3."
The subject matter of the two editions is identical except that
the revised eiditon contains a corrected map of Oklahoma and
text corrections on page 15.
C 3.3: 98 NIC
(no.99-105) C 3.3: nos. NIC
Bulletins (Separates)
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
-- C 3.3/a: NIC
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
none issued C 3.4: NIC
Special Reports
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Benevolent Institutions, 1904. (1905) C 3.5: B 43 NIC
Blind and Deaf, 1900. (1906) C 3.5: B 61 NIC
Central Electric Light and Power Stations, 1902. (1905)
Also in: Electrical Industries, 1902 (C 3.5: El 2)
C 3.5: C 33/1 NIC
same, 1907. (1910) C 3.5: C 33/2 NIC
Statistics of Cities Having Population of Over 30,000, with
Appendix, Sewage and Sewage Disposal by Moses N. Baker, 1905. (1907)
C 3.5: C 49/1 NIC
same, 1906
with Appendixes, Municipal Receipts from Public Service
Corporations; Uniform Accounts and Reports of
Water-Supply Systems by Moses N. Baker. (1908)
C 3.5: C 49/2 NIC
same, 1907
with Appendix, Uniform System of Accounting for
Water-Supply Enterprises. (1910)
C 3.5: C 49/3 NIC
same, 1908
by Le Grand Powers and E.H. Maling. (1910)
C 3.5: C 49/4 NIC
Electrical Industries, 1902. (1906)

  • Central Electric Light and Power Stations, 1902. (1905)
  • Street and Electric Railways, 1902. (1905)
  • Telephones and Telegraphs, 1902
    [municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems) by
    Thomas Commerford Martin] (1906)
C 3.5: El 2 NIC
Express Business in United States FY 1907 by Russell H. Snead. (1908)
Compiled by Interstate Commerce Commission and published by Census Office
C 3.5: Ex 7 NIC
Insane and Feeble-minded in Hospitals and Institutions, 1904 by
John Koren. (1906)
C 3.5: In 7 NIC
Manufactures, 1905, pt.1
United States by Industries. (1907)
C 3.5: M 31/1 NIC
same, pt.2
States and Territories. (1907)
C 3.5: M 31/2 NIC
same, pt.3
Special Reports on Selected Industries. (1908)
C 3.5: M 31/3 NIC
same, pt.4
Special Reports on Selected Industries with Bibliographies. (1908)
C 3.5: M 31/4 NIC
Marriage and Divorce, 1867 - 1906 pt.1, Summary, Laws, Foreign Statistics. (1909) C 3.5: M 34/1 NIC
same, pt.2, General Tables. (1908) C 3.5: M 34/2 NIC
Mortality Statistics, 1900 - 1904. (1906) C 3.5: M 84

Later Reports:
C 3.2: M 84/1
C 3.2: M 84/2
C 3.2: M 84/3
C 3.2: M 84/4
Paupers in Almhouses, 1904. (1906) C 3.5: P 28 NIC
Prisoners and Juvenile Delinquents in Institutions, 1904. (1907) C 3.5: P 93 NIC
Religious Bodies, 1906
pt.1 Summary and General Tables. (1910)
C 3.5: R 27/1 NIC
same, pt.2
Separate Denominations, History, de
C 3.5: R 27/2 NIC
Street and Electric Railways, 1902. (1905)
Also in Electrical Industries, 1902 (C 3.5: El 2)
C 3.5: St 8/1 NIC
same, 1907. (1910) C 3.5: St 8/2 NIC
Telephones and Telegraphs, 1902
[municipal electric fire alarm and police patrol systems) by
Thomas Commerford Martin] (1906)
Also in Electrical Industries, 1902
(C 3.5: El 2)
C 3.5: T 23/1 NIC
Telephones, 1907. (1910) C 3.5: T 23/2 NIC
Transportation by Water, 1906. (1908) C 3.5: T 68 NIC
Wealth, Debt, and Taxation in United States. (1907) C 3.5: W 37 NIC
Special Reports (Separates)
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
-- C 3.5/a: NIC
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
-- C 3.6: NIC
Manufactures Division Special Bulletins
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
Note: nos. 1 and 2 not printed. Issued in typewritten form only
C 3.7: NIC
Philippine Islands Census, 1903
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
-- C 3.8/1: NIC
Philippine Islands Census, 1903--Bulletins
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos.1-3) C 3.8/2: NIC
Cotton Ginning Reports
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
(nos.1-3) C 3.9: NIC
Official Register (Blue Book)
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
C 3.10: NIC
Official Register Separates
Document: SuDocs Call no.: Location:
-- C 3.10/a: NIC

*NIC: Not in Collection

** Bold and Red means this is a title that was found via Bureau of the Census Catalog of Publications, 1790 - 1972
(Call number: C 3.163/3: 790-972) and not found in the 1909 Checklist or other sources. Could have been a depository fugitive.

1790 | 1800 |1810 | 1820 |1830 | 1840 |1850 | 1860 |1870 | 1880 |1890
1900 |1910 | 1920 |1930 | 1940 |1950 | 1960 |1970 | 1980 |1990 | 2000

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